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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2019

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/12/01

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As a last suggestion, take a look at what you’re thinking of as a bad grade. One of my children came home with a B- and was heartbroken after working so hard. We met with his teacher about this. She explained that a B- was not a bad grade. She showed his work and how he was being graded on the class rubric. Both he and I studied it together and it made him feel a lot better. We both saw some changes that could be made, but we also saw that a B- WAS a good grade. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e49dsi/merry_christmas_if_youll_pardon_the_pun_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e49dy1/beyonce_bey_merry_christmas_shirt_sweater/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e49e5v/the_mandalorian_baby_yoda_doo_doo_doo_ugly/ https://www.teezily.com/george-s-halas-gsh-chicago-bears-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/all-the-worlds-religions-fiction-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&prod...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/29

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Business consultants is too broad of a term in my opinion; business consulting can be management consulting, strategy consulting, M&A consulting, finance consulting, etc. If you are looking for good value business consultants on a project or temporary basis, I recommend you check out. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e38slk/rhinestone_harry_potter_christmas_shirt_sweater/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e38sr7/nsync_bye_bye_bye_ugly_christmas_shirt_sweater/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e38suu/merry_kissmas_47th_anniversary_19732020_thank_you/ https://www.teezily.com/leopard-skull-santa-hat-christmas-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/kristaps-porzingis-bobi-m8-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/baby-yoda-love-me-you-must-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/baby-y...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/27

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One day as class was dismissed he asked me to stay. He said he had noticed some animosity and was wondering why. I told him that since he obviously did not want to be there I saw no need to pay attention. He asked why I thought that. I told him it was because of the poor method he was using to test the subject matter. The tests were easy to grade but were not appropriate for a class on philosophy. He asked what kind of test I thought was appropriate. I answered “Essay Tests”. Of course grading an essay test takes more work on the teacher’s part. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e2aau3/santa_im_laying_on_your_present_shirt_sweater/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e2aayh/patrick_bateman_american_psycho_ugly_christmas/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e2ab18/merry_christmas_elvis_presley_shirt_sweater/ https://www.teezily.com/yoda-silent-night-baby-jedi-knight-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/25

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So, if possible, when a student is acting out, and you don’t want to kick them out of the classroom… you want to be inclusive… but put as many assignments online as possible. Let students keep their eyes on a screen, and ears listening to music or whatever is coming through their headphones. Not only will the student who is acting out likely stop their behavior, but they’ll also be just as entranced with the screens and headphones as the other students. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e19mv9/just_a_girl_who_loves_cogis_and_christmas_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e19mzr/san_francisco_49ers_all_time_greats_signatures/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e19n2y/dachshund_on_the_naughty_list_and_i_regret/ https://www.teezily.com/snoopy-on-the-naughty-list-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/dont-make-this-ginger-snap-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&sid...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/23

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I thought there had to be some mistake. I called the daughter to tell her and she went ballistic before I even got to the part about the insurance. Called me a few names, she knew what I had done, said she was going to sue me. I had been willing to give her the money but with her nastiness I resolved that she could go jump in a lake. The real kicker was her husband had died and she had inherited over 1,000,000.00 from his life insurance but for some reason was livid that her mother had left me 5000.00. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e0cdtg/the_shield_08th_anniversary_20122020_signatures/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e0cdvw/star_war_mr_meeseeks_and_stormtrooper_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/e0cdy7/official_twinkle_twinkle_little_snitch_mind_your/ https://www.teezily.com/feliz-navidog-corgi-christmas-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/goku-ill-do-it-tomorrow-sh...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/21

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My sister is the polar opposite. She is jaw dropping. She is extremely gorgeous. Smooth clear skin, a nice jawline, beautiful brown eyes and a nice facial structure made her a superior being amongst the female population. Each of her tits looked like they were as big as her head. Her ass was built in the gym, but you could see how soft her ass cheeks were when she wore the flare pants that women wear today. Her ass jiggled with each step. Each ass cheek was the size of a small watermelon. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dzd9i4/star_wars_pew_pew_pew_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dzd9zc/joy_to_the_elect_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dzda3t/yorkshire_terrier_gorgeous_reindeer_christmas/ https://www.teezily.com/superhuman-vs-good-friend-paul?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/bichon-frise-gorgeous-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front htt...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/19

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I was 54 when we started dating, she was 35. Besides my monumental blood pressure, I'm in pretty good shape physically. Doctors and nurses are quite surprised when I have to strip down for examinations and I often get compliments from them on my physique. I'm quite shy naturally and always turn my back in changing room, shower situations. My ex-Mrs was the only person I had slept with prior to meeting my now Mrs and she often said “that's a bloody good average !” looking at my penis. I really thought nothing of it. Then along came divorce, being single, not knowing what direction I wanted to go in etc etc. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dyf1q5/westie_gorgeous_reindeer_christmas_shirt_sweater/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dyf1u2/american_flag_and_confederate_flag_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dyf1yg/dunkin_donuts_drink_up_grinches_christmas_shirt/ https://www.teezily.com/foo-fighters-rock-band-tree-s...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/17

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All these hurt, of course, but for me as much as the pain, the fact that all my classmates saw me get a paddling or heard it, was extra punishment. Having to walk back to my chair with a red face and tears in my eyes or over sobbing was extremely embarrassing. I also knew that it would get back to my parents that I had been paddled which might result in another whipping at home on my already sore butt. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dxi2ig/woman_yelling_at_table_dinner_cat_meme_vintage/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dxi2m6/statler_and_waldorf_is_this_jolly_enough_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dxi2ot/skull_sugar_i_hate_people_shirt/ https://www.teezily.com/jims-cob-loaf-delivery-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/festive-cats-christmas-shirt-sweater?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/ho-ho-ho-dog-paw-christmas-shir...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/15

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Since these companies are creating such a large number of jobs in the country, they get massive tax benefits from the government. These help them consolidate their earnings and save millions and millions of bucks. Another party this helps are the colleges where they hire from. Once their students get placed, the colleges can all brag about how they gave results of 100% placements etc etc. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dwkskz/christmas_cake_its_the_most_wonderful_time_of_the/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dwksnz/awaille_kevin_osti_continue_comme_go_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dwksrh/no_turkey_merry_christmark_shirt_sweater/ https://www.teezily.com/betty-white-girl-wasted-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/sisters-sisters-there-were-never-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/trainspotting-characters-friends-s...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/13

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Initially, my naively-compassionate indoctrinated-guilt-complex daughter took sympathy on her roommate and tried to include her in outings with other people on the floor and offered to help her with her classwork. The roommate politely declined. She finally confided in my daughter that she (the roommate) didn’t even want to be in college. She didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life, and they offered her this free college opportunity, so she took it. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dvlujs/just_give_me_plain_baby_jesus_lyin_in_a_manger/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dvlune/oakland_raiders_grinch_santa_sitting_kansas_city/ https://www.reddit.com/user/chaodonaii/comments/dvlusa/american_ok_boomer_shirt/ https://www.teezily.com/marvel-studios-the-eleven-years-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.teezily.com/rashard-higgins-cleveland-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front ...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/10

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When the new teacher took over, I was the only one who had been in the program for more than a couple of weeks, so I was comfortable in the setting and would do things that the previous teacher had encouraged; speaking without raising my hand and being called on, walking around the room without first being granted permission, questioning or adding to the topic being discussed, etc. The new teacher, Mrs. J, did not have the same ideas of how the program should run as my former teacher, apparently. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/du6tex/nessa_jenkins_oh_oh_oh_merry_christmas_ugly_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/du6tit/black_cat_christmas_lights_shirt_sweater/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/du6tnh/ho_ho_ho_merry_the_grinch_christmas_shirt_sweater/ http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/snoopy-is-this-jolly-enough-shirt-sweater http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/san-francisco-49ers-legends-team-signatures-shir...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/08

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In the case of most colleges, their research is pretty much all that matters. Their reputation as an institution that produces quality research and results. As their reputation improves, they will generate more revenue through all 4 income streams. They can then build new facilities, buy better equipment, and bring in better staff/professors/researchers. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dtf0vu/aint_no_laws_when_you_drink_with_claus_vintage/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dtf124/anatomic_bone_cats_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dtf18k/grinch_seattle_seahawks_san_francisco_49ers_los/ http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/guitar-eagles-rock-band-signature-shirt http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/official-geisha-knitting-shirt http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/lost-my-boyfriend-rob-gronkowski-if-you-find-him-shirt http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/washington-nationals-i-never-dreamed-i-d-grow-up...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/06

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I turned off my interior lights and the radio, stood up and went casually into my bunk. I didn't get out of my truck as planned because of this sleazy bastard ruining my plans for a shower and a hot meal. So much for the great parking spot! When I woke the next morning there was a different truck parked next to mine. I stayed angry about what he did for days. That sorry opportunistic bottom feeder! See more: https://www.teezily.com/merry-mixmas-ugly-christmas-shirt?prop%5Bcolor%5D=sport_grey&product=32&side=front https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dsb8it/justin_james_watt_dream_big_work_hard_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dsb8ls/little_house_on_the_prairie_45th_anniversary/ http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/all-i-want-for-christmas-is-a-ru-shirt-sweater http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/all-i-want-for-christmas-is-you-just-kidding-i-want-elephants-shirt-sweater http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/michigan-detroit...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/04

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In my particular case, I thought the police were behaving appropriately but they were definitely alert to signs that something was off. They stop me for headlights, now they want to know if I have a valid driver's license and whether my vehicle has a valid registration & likely check for whether it's been reported stolen. In my city there is a significant amount of dangerous driving behavior and violent crime; the police officers came off like they wanted to thank me for my contribution to drunk folks riding instead of driving late at night so they won't be getting the call for drunk driving accident that might have occurred. https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/drcqzb/french_bulldog_christmas_tree_shirt_sweater/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/drcr35/washington_nationals_95_the_first_time_in_95/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/drcr6n/grinch_hand_holding_us_postal_service_ornament/ http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog...

Top shirts back link t-shirtat on 2019/11/02

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Three days ago my daughter was outside at recess playing a fun, but always VERY competitive, game of kick ball. She got into an argument with a boy and he told her to shut up and called her the “N” word. She smacked him upside his head and told him “You can’t say that!” and the boy profusely apologized and said that it just slipped out and he didn’t mean it! Just typing this makes my heart hurt and makes me start crying again……I am a white woman with mixed children. I have raised my children to be very confident, strong, intelligent, polite and accepting young ladies and gentlemen. See more: https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dqf0u4/champion_lebron_james_kobe_bryant_michael_jordan/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dqf0zo/washington_nationals_freddie_mercury_we_are_the/ https://www.reddit.com/user/dden280899x/comments/dqf13g/snoopy_washington_nationals_merry_christmas_shirt/ http://sibachaiii.mystrikingly.com/blog/washington-nationals-world-series-cham...