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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2018

Roses are red violets are blue little stupid ass bitch I ain’t fuckin witchu shirt

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Can black pink comeback already so I have a Roses are red violets are blue little stupid ass bitch I ain’t fuckin witchu shirt to decline all drinking session invites from my friends. Only Blackpink can make me sober. Joke. Or maybe a girl. You aren’t going to believe who is beautiful read the first two words you aren’t going to believe who is beautiful read the first two words you aren’t going to believe who is beautiful read the first two words you aren’t going to believe who is a beautiful read. I never thought I would ever meet anyone famous but I met Shawn! I thought he would never follow me but he did! I never thought ShawnAccess or Island Records would send me a DM but they did! The thought of attending the screening was only a dream. Buy this shirt:  Roses are red violets are blue little stupid ass bitch I ain’t fuckin witchu shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

I’m not yelling I’m a German that’s how we talk shirt

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It’s the view of one academic being interviewed. I agree with I’m not yelling I’m a German that’s how we talk shirt and I’m sure it’s a view held more widely. But please let’s get this right: it’s not German TV news saying this. I could never love another dog as much as my own but I met a German Shepherd named Riker at the vet yesterday and I’m still thinking about him, so, feelings are complicated. This semester I’m going to a language school to learn German before uni and I have extra time to read books for the first time in years. I want to discover unpopular, different, intriguing books and review them. Buy this shirt:  I’m not yelling I’m a German that’s how we talk shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Pompeii fun run shirt

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My daughter Crayon is Pompeii fun run shirt. In her school’s Fun Run, and they are raising pledges for school supplies! She could use your support! Lowest pledge amount is only $1 and it’s a good cause. Some female penguins engage in prostitution; performing sex acts in exchange for pebbles. However, sometimes the female penguin will just trick the male into thinking they’ll have sex, then run off once she gets the pebble. Is it really too much to ask that we get our heads out of our arses as a nation stop this bitter feuding acknowledge that Brexit is an almighty balls-up, we’ve run out of time to sort out anything even half decent and we need to call time? Buy this shirt:  Pompeii fun run shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

High on pumpkin hella weed shirt

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I was just sitting here like I swear to High on pumpkin hella weed shirt I have hella weed somewhere. I was so frustrated cause I knew I had weed, but couldn’t find it. Then it hit me. I hid the pound of weed under my fuckin mattress. After being back in Oklahoma I high key just want my nonblood family to move here with me and all we grow weed and crops and hunt and live in a co-op but then I remember hella tornadoes, and flooding, and humidity. If anyone was wondering yes I went to sleep hella early and yes I didn’t have to hide my weed and wallet and yes I am walking around in my underwear. Buy this shirt:  High on pumpkin hella weed shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Wander woman shirt

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So you think the people that Wander woman shirt was there that have said they don’t remember anything like what she claims will all of a sudden change their memory because the FBI asks them? I’m Francisco, I’m 🇨🇺, and I can’t draw at all but I love cartoons, so I write them with amazing collaborators instead. Co-developed DuckTales and worked on Wander Over Yonder, along with some other secret stuff. Proud accomplishment made Gizmoduck Latinx. Well, three more women have come fwd and there is also an anonymous allegation. I think they will find something. Otherwise, Kavanaugh would have asked for an FBI investigation on the multiple occasions he had yesterday, and didn’t. Buy this shirt:  Wander woman shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt

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Larry is so stupid thinking harry doesn’t like the I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt he makes and only does it bc he thinks it’s what people will like, the genre he releases is literally dead, locals listen to rap and hip hop, rock music is not popular anymore and it’s not something everyone will. What stupid shit did everyone do in elementary school I’m the genuinely curious person I accidentally killed all my class’s beetles for a science lab and convinced a kid to electrocute himself with a wall socket. I swear I cannot be the only one who hasn’t thought about it in like a year. my stupid ass really owns that shit and I haven’t even watched it since holy fuck. let me get my DVD real quick. Buy this shirt:  I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Mess with my kids and you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt

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Nigerian politics is Mess with my kids and you’ll get jurasskicked by  mamasaurus  shirt. Mama Taraba spoke. Many expected her to resign or be fired, but nothing happened. Meanwhile, these guys were waiting to hit her where it hurt most and where recovery, if at all it happens, won’t take less than 4 years. Affects their chances only too. I hate how easy men are. You can even fake a connecting and stare at him by accident and tilt your head, then look down and look up and do that thing with your eyes. And voila, mama walks up to you to ask your name. Mama’s we are the one person who can teach our sons how important it is to have respect for women, consent, and to respect themselves. Buy this shirt:  Mess with my kids and you’ll get jurasskicked by  mamasaurus  shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Books and coffee and dogs and social justice shirt

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Today is a good day to take a Books and coffee and dogs and social justice shirt and read some books written by women. Ones that you love. New ones that you’ve never read before. And keep doing that, every day hereafter. Take permission to do something nice for yourself today! Look away from the rampant dipshittery, pet a dog, read a book, buy a dog, drink a fancy coffee, watch clouds, buy two dogs, unhinge your jaw and disgorge snakes, endless venom noodles to swarm and bite your prey. Been carrying a book around lately and I’ll read then and there while waiting for coffee or waiting for an Uber. Actually feels so much nicer than holding a phone like this right now. Buy this shirt:  Books and coffee and dogs and social justice shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt

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I don’t know what to be madder at the fact that I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt has been in a beer-drought in anticipation of the first of next month or the fact that the law restricting high-point beverages in grocery stores probably shouldn’t have been in place, to begin with. It, I’m ready for October 1st. Tired of you ignorant mf’ers crying about a beer drought. I mean it must take an intelligent mf’er to know liquor stores have a beer that’s already 5.4% oh and it’ll be a bow. Hosting a major tournament in a country where they measure beer in liters rather than pints is always a good choice. Moos who survived the drought between decal, yea and made it through both eras without losing their damn minds won’t just survive natural selection they are natural selection. Buy this shirt:  I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Cthulhu I love crafting

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Heroes in Crisis is a Cthulhu I love crafting shirt in the face to the years of hard work DC Rebirth spent crafting an ethos of legacy, embracing the past and entering the future with hope. Everyone is furious, and they have every right to be. Simply disappointing, to say the least. If you weren’t alive for the album releases or tours bring the party to yourself and make your own merch. Thank you, Buckingham, for perfectly crafting this masterpiece and giving me endless amounts of inspiration love you. In a year to two years time, the industry is gonna say artists like me came out of nowhere. No. You just refused to acknowledge us while we were crafting incredible work and building beautiful  grass roots  followings. Buy this shirt:  Cthulhu I love crafting shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Put a praise on it shirt

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Respect to all the Put a praise on  it  shirt and women out there, who just do the work, day in and day out. The ones who don’t get the praise or the accolades, but are always reliable to just do their job. Huge respect to the ones who are doing the work in the dark. You make the world go round. Not to stir some drama but I just think it’s so hypocritical for some ppl to make fun of taehyung as soon as he does something unconventional but then praise the other members for doing the same thing. the jokers jumped tf out. Pogba hardly says much to the media. That was until. Jose came out and fired unnecessary shots. Then backtracked by making him captain. That much is facts. Sanchez a player Jose totally backs and loves n heaps on praise continues to be terrible. Buy this shirt:  Put a praise on it shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Pitbull IT clown Halloween shirt

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You’re a fucking clown! A Pitbull IT clown Halloween shirt. Slip and fall opportunist that thinks repetitive, absurd attacks on the current administration will land you in the White House. People hate you now. 2 more years of this good gravy. The character Joker is a zany clown who loves to have silly relaxing fun with his friend Batman but the numbnuts who write the comics and movies don’t know what they’re doing. I can’t even tell if this video is real given the fucking clown car fever dream of a society we currently live in, but if this is real I’m shocked this woman is still alive. Like, I can’t imagine doing this to someone as a human male and leaving with my brain stem still connected. Buy this shirt:  Pitbull IT clown Halloween shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

This girl runs on Jesus and pumpkin shirt

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This girl in my This girl runs on Jesus and pumpkin shirt went and do runs for a week. She came back and kept the money she got in her room. Someone stole 20k from it this morning babes on her way to Babalawo place to make the person run mad she said she can’t be mad alone. I went to a Catholic school too. One of the 1st-grade female students had an accident on the floor. The sister told her to lick it up! Fellow students felt bad and helped the girl clean up. This is why I love God but stay away from religion. Abuse runs rampant in Catholic school. Great runs from the dragons last night on their home course through some rough conditions; boys placed 3rd overall and girls placed first. The girls will be going to the KOVACS banquet at Gattiland in the spring to collect their award. Congrats dragons. Buy this shirt:  This girl runs on Jesus and pumpkin shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Call me lagniappe because I’m a lil extra shirt

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If you are really interested in Call me lagniappe because I’m a lil extra shirt, you should be able to bring up any concerns you have. You probably shouldn’t be willing to open up your body to the man you can’t have a conversation with about hygiene. If you can’t talk about cleanliness, you’re definitely not discussing STDs. The fact that Kavanaugh even submitted this as any type of evidence makes me question his judgment established as severely lacking even more. Who schedules binge drinking and harassing, molesting girls, women? It’s empty grandstanding. The only profession where you steal supplies from home to bring to work. Hubby had this beautiful whiteboard going unused in his office area so I co-opted it for my small groups. Buy this shirt:  Call me lagniappe because I’m a lil extra shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Never take camping advice from me you’ll only end up drunk shirt

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People can be pretty Never take camping advice from me you’ll only end up drunk shirt. Another thing I don’t like is when people tell me to quit my job to pursue whatever. I’m like  ok  yeah I don’t even like camping so I doubt I would enjoy being homeless. Thank you for the life advice, Susan. I think Hamilton said no camping for ga but I remember they camped on York Blvd I believe. Was that still considered off property, I have ga for Citi field and I’m trying to figure out the best options! Do you have any important advice for ga that stands out? Glamping Show wasn’t just about selling our booking system, it was also about meeting face-to-face, giving advice, hearing feedback and talking to our customers. It’s one of the ways our system is specifically designed for camping and glamping sites and why we lead the market. Buy this shirt:  Never take camping advice from me you’ll only end up drunk shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Daddy shark doo doo doo retro vintage shirt

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I am glad my child’s school cares to break some Daddy shark doo doo doo retro vintage shirt. They held a breakfast with daddies today where fathers were supposed to fix a healthy meal with their children. Glad these kids will know from the start cooking is not just a woman’s job. When I was 18 years old a stranger dropped off a Chafer systematic theology set for me. I read it and wept. Instead of being a cold intellectual exercise, it was a fatherless kid getting to know his Daddy. Don’t underestimate the power of sound doctrine to change young lives. One year ago today, A light from our household was taken, a voice we loved was stilled. A place is vacant in our home, some may think you are forgotten. Though on earth you are no more, in memory, you are with us as you always were before. Buy this shirt:  Daddy shark doo doo doo retro vintage shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

I don’t need sex my government fucks me everyday shirt

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We are surrounded by powerful people who lie and I don’t need sex my government fucks me everyday shirt deceive to force their own selfish ambitions to turn our nation into a godless, socialist society and its people a band of sheep ruled by a huge unbeatable central government. Move Lord, let your justice arise. The government has now appointed a minister to oversee food shortages – as the National Farmers Union’s warns Brexit could stop exports to the EU for six months. This is not taking back control. This is an act of national self-immolation. High school keg parties, teenage love interests, and college fraternities are all likely to be put under the microscope by government officials as future Supreme Court picks, Cabinet officials and even presidential running mates are considered. Buy this shirt:  I don’t need sex my government fucks me  everyday  shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked bow shirt

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Sotto looks like you’re doing the Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked bow shirt, my friend, I was being sarcastic. I already know the people who asked me the Don’t mess with Auntasaurus you’ll get a jurasskicked shirt is saurus which just wants to pick an argument and are surely shallow people. I don’t know about it. My daughter did a DNA thing and got in touch with a woman who was my grandmother’s sister. It was she who dropped the there are 26 of our bomb. My father has never said a word about it. I do know locally all the farms were owned by aunts and uncles of my dad. I’d say they are in the wastelands clearing up, or Marthas, healthy, fertile older men could be commanders. Elderly women fitting the right profile could be Aunts. Buy this shirt:  Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked bow shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

In a world full of grinches be a Cindy Lou who shirt

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Thank you for making an episode on this In a world full of grinches be a Cindy Lou who shirt. I really hope it reaches the heart of a couple grinches around. Being welcoming, positive and non-cynic feels good. Not only that but there’s a Non-holiday crossover special called ‘The Grinch Grinches The Cat in The Hat’. That’s about the Grinch being mean to the Cat and the cat trying to basically become his shrink. These Grinches give a gross, mean, and messy feel to them. The yellow eyes and crooked yellow teeth sell that so well. Replaced with blue eyes and straight white teeth kind of ruins the iconic image that is The Grinch. When you overheard your neighbor say, Those people are real Grinches, with that pitiful lighting display. You cringed at the comments because deep inside you know, I should have planned ahead, and hired a pro. Buy this shirt:  In a world full of grinches be a Cindy Lou who shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt

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I know it’s cliche and Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt parent has the I didn’t know what love was till I had you post. But damn it’s true. This girl right here has my heart. I love you, lil mamas. Henry and his drunk Mama lived two blocks west of the chlorine plant near enough that your lungs stung when the wind kicked up. I’d roll up and find him sitting there on the stoop, wide-eyed and wheezing, like soaking in that poison was better than being inside. I want my daughter to grow up and see her mama happy. I will show her that woman are strong and powerful. and just because I had her at a young age doesn’t mean I can’t be successful. Buy this shirt:  Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get  jurasskicked  shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

I am not spoiled I’m just well taken care freaking awesome December guy shirt

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There is an I am not spoiled I’m just  well taken  care freaking awesome December guy shirt but I think I’m a Mom Stan where I just wanna make sure my faves are well taken care of, well fed, have a strong emotional support system, and a nice balance between guidance and freedom to help them develop into well rounded individuals. Well, I’m sorry. But, yeah, it’s just roleplaying. Unfortunately, it’s going a bit slowly because my computer’s a piece of shit, but once I get that taken care of, that’ll be a different story. All around the board I got my shit on lock. I make good ass money, one kid who very well taken care of. Own car. Own house. Big dick. Shit gets no better. Oh and I’m just a good ass person. Ask about me. Buy this shirt:  I am not spoiled I’m just  well taken  care freaking awesome December guy shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Black cat I hate people shirt

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I want a Black cat I hate people shirt because black cats are great and finally, a cat I can hug while wearing my mostly-black wardrobe without looking unprofessional after. I’m gonna adopt a little black cat specifically black because people are mean and superstitious and never adopt them and keep him, her in my dorm, I’m so excited! My friends and I are hard at work coming up with names. My favorite folks are the non-disabled people who with unbelievable levels of sincerity and Columbus just discovered proud of themselves-ness tell me Well you see the problem is sidewalks aren’t wide enough. We’re ready for trick or treating but until then. Here’s our favorite vintage Halloween black cat as a black pug, of course. Buy this shirt:  Black cat I hate people shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Hocus pocus everybody focus shirt

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Everybody tells me that Hocus pocus everybody focus shirt podcasting is a fantastic business to be in, which is why it’s a bit weird that first Panoply and now BuzzFeed is shutting down their podcasting operations. Everybody has real selective memory regarding Diss Tracks in reference to women on the mic, Think ppl. Afterward, I pray all girls just focus on their individual bags, there’s room for several. How about a twitter storm to stop Sexual Child Abuse in our Country, and make it easier for women to report it when it happens? We need to focus on everybody, especially our children, not just celebrities and politicians. Either everybody counts or nobody counts. Study govt stats. Buy this shirt:  Hocus pocus  everybody focus shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Alice and Dorothy I’ve seen some weird shit Jack Daniels shirt

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I don’t think it’s weird at all for the Alice and Dorothy I’ve seen some weird shit Jack Daniels shirt to say other men are attractive. I find many works of art, buildings, and animals beautiful, but it doesn’t mean I want to have sex with them. Well, maybe some buildings. I’ve seen some real BILFs out there. Proper weird working during the day, all these staffs I’ve never seen before looking at me like I’m some sort of new guy. Little do they know I’m a seasoned pro at stacking cheese. I’m happy that she got the highest score and all but some of the over-the-top praises I’ve seen on my timeline is so weird like do you go crazy too when a plumber fixes your toilet. Buy this shirt:  Alice and Dorothy I’ve seen some weird shit Jack Daniels shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Indiana Jones Han Solo carbonite discovery shirt

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Solo is filled with an Indiana Jones Han Solo carbonite discovery shirt to Star Wars a new hope where a young lovestruck Han begins walking the path of a smuggler, a clear parallel to Luke Skywalker’s discovery of the Jedi way. Solo is fun and largely free of mysticism like the bleak masterpiece Rogue One. Sailing into excellence! We are inspiring our Colt Andrews students through hands-on discovery in the Bristol Harbor! Mrs. Albuquerque and Mrs. Jones grade 4. History has demonstrated the remarkable accuracy of these ancient scribes who worked under the conviction that the documents they were copying were divine in nature. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran confirms their amazing ability. Buy this shirt:  Indiana Jones Han Solo carbonite discovery shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Damn I make 29 look good shirt

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I want you guys to send me a Damn I make 29 look good shirt! It’ll be a collage of different people rapping the song and it’ll come together to make the full song! DM me your video! DM’s will be open until 9/29. Please retweet! I want as many people as I can fit. I don’t usually tweet about footy but I’m. Sorry to the shirt for my sending off, my mouth got me in trouble but just know I’ll try to make it up to you in my next performance. Am sorry I still not agree nine was afraid that she won’t be able to make her family accept Sameer so in FEAR she left Sameer. I the same way Swati’s insecurities made her do this. I still feel this all started because actually, their group had no faith in Swati. Buy this shirt:  Damn I make 29 look good shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

With teaching in her heart and pumpkin spice in her hand she is unstoppable shirt

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I was teaching my niece the With teaching in her heart and pumpkin spice in her hand she is  unstoppable  shirt and when I kept asking her to point to yoongi she always pointed at namjoon mayhaps she saw what was in the  namjoons  heart. For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; And reproofs for discipline are the way of life To keep you from the evil woman, From the smooth tongue of the adulteress. Do not desire her beauty in your heart, Nor let her capture you with her eyelids. I’ve learned so very much from her like make sure that my thoughts teaching are scripture based and not heretical! Glad you’ve gotten past voices that keep you away from good teaching. Buy this shirt:  With teaching in her heart and pumpkin spice in her hand she is  unstoppable  shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Halloween Teachers love brains shirt

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My brain remembers that Halloween Teachers love brains shirt one time in second grade when you threw up in class or how about that one time in kinder when you peed yourself because your teacher did let you go. Also, the boy you secretly love hates you and just pretends to like you. I said the exact same thing! they r going 2work on it. I think they realize that teachers would love this for it but it’s brand new. it’s from the makers of those yummy Kind Bars! They based it on research on brain development and empathy! Check it out anyway it’s amazing. I know you love failing your students because I guess that’s your goal as a teacher. But have you ever really wanted to be a teacher? Because if not, you’re free to take other career paths. You got brains anyway. Buy this shirt:  Halloween Teachers love brains shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Your wife my wife shirt

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Have you seen the Your wife my wife shirt her son Narendra Modi wears? Clearly, he’s selfish enough to have nice clothes and lifestyle while letting mother live in poverty. He lets neither mother nor wife live with him, share his status and home. The taunts, jeers, and menacing intimidation of his wife are most noteworthy bc the lead instigator wraps herself in victimhood as she engages in this behavior. Demonizing someone as you terrorize them. The Left in full force. Conservatives it’s about time we publicly shamed Fiola in Washington DC where Senator Ted Cruz was chased out by a bunch of leftist snowflakes who would not let him in his wife eat dinner in peace. Buy this shirt:  Your wife my wife shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Grammar police shirt

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This is Grammar police shirt. If you spend enough time here you should earn a college degree. We have social issues, history lessons, sports medicine, grammar police, geography, and mathematics. The Twitter-verse is a self-educating group. Years ago, I stopped my newspaper subscription because I found myself proofreading and editing the articles. Lol, tosachat Though I’m married to Mr. Grammar Police. Be careful how you end a sentence. Grammar police on my personal acc. Like, wtf you trying to correct me? I am not perfect and so is my grammar, but please do tell me that if you master our mother tongue language too. Buy this shirt:  Grammar police shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Damn I make 39 look good shirt

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No one said it is Damn I make 39  look  good shirt, but I am saying it’s nowhere near what people are tearing about compared to actual real-life hardship. The idea that players want to make a career off of competing with no backup plan is about as out of touch with reality as it gets. The best part about having a roommate from Vietnam is that she thinks it’s so funny when I make jokes about being a slave to capitalism. Don’t worry about it too much, some people just get butthurt easily. People make those jokes all the time. I’ve seen nonwhite people make that kind of list before. to an extent is true. Like I understand that the FGC wants to make a living off of fighting games, but the only way it’s guaranteed is from a high-quality sponsor. Buy this shirt:  Damn I make 39 look good shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Back off I have a crazy brother and I’m not afraid to use him shirt

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Presumed dead for over a Back off I have a crazy brother and I’m not afraid to use  him  shirt until his brother, Savage Opress found him and saved him from being absolutely crazy, many many years after the clone wars and the days of the empire, he was seen in the movie solo at the end and his story still continues. If you told me a year ago I’d go to a UK football game with Jake Penix and Juwan Mayes I’d told you-you were crazy. But now them boys are like my brothers, lives wild like that. The Moonlight Express beat The Brahman Brothers to keep the KO-D Tag Titles. After the match, The Brahmans called MAO and Speedball crazy, which is probably the bigger achievement coming from them. Buy this shirt:  Back off I have a crazy brother and I’m not afraid to use  him   shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Damn I make 48 look good shirt

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Every day you make me so incredibly Damn I make 48  look  good shirt, I’m really glad you came into my life. I don’t know where I would be without you but I know I wouldn’t be this happy. I have trust issues too, not exactly sure why, but yeah I hope I make new friends here in high school. so far not exactly done, I just kinda sit near the classrooms and witch from the top of the buildings. I replied to your tweet and convo with Thisgirlsforher, but I see other replies that want Sen. Jones to confirm he’s voting No right now, before Dr. Ford’s testimony. That would make him a hypocrite, by his own standards. Buy this shirt:  Damn I make 48 look good shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Bob’s burgers family Halloween shirt

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Love when patients, family members treat  the Bob’s  burgers family Halloween shirt like they’re at Burger King demanding an order of IV fluids as if they’re asking for a hamburger and fries. Fluids need an indication and an order. You can’t just get fluids because you feel like you need, want them. We’re in Anaconda, Montana, where we had to slam on the brakes to permit a family of five deer to cross the Main Street. Now waiting for burgers and parmesan fries, then the antique mall. I like it here. Our Family Fun Day is tomorrow! There will be plenty of stalls, tea and cake, a magic show, delicious burgers and much, much more!! Please do not be discouraged by the weather, we have a contingency plan in the plan in the event of heavy rain to come out. Buy this shirt:  Bob’s burgers family Halloween shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Turtles are green ducks go quack we’re best friends shirt

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Today I found out that Turtles are green ducks go quack we’re best friends shirt are berries and strawberries actually aren’t! a certain breed of turtle can breathe out of their arse! We couldn’t put the book down. The beaches of Hawaii are home to these two friends Hawaiian monk seals and green sea turtles. They leave the turtle uneaten, and the behavior may be practice for hunting other prey. Green Sea Turtle resting on Oahu’s north shore. Green sea turtles are the second largest turtle species. Growing up to five feet in length and weighing as much as 700 pounds, this species is second in size only to the leatherback sea turtle. Buy this shirt:  Turtles are green ducks go quack we’re  best  friends shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

I googled my symptoms turns out I’m a bitch shirt

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In November, I’m having an I googled my symptoms turns out I’m a bitch shirt from my pituitary gland. As I shared a few months back, we only found it because my dad googled symptoms for another issue and an MRI for that revealed that previously undiscovered tumor. Your pain is not paranoia. You are not paranoid. After being a bit out of character this week at work, and having hot flushes, I googled symptoms of the menopause and then reassured my male colleagues that it’s ok, I’ve only got 50% of the symptoms. I have cancer and I was googling symptoms for some time, never again. I did a quick video on this the other day. Have a look, it’s the truth. Buy this shirt:  I googled my symptoms turns out I’m a bitch shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Libra facts shirt

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Libra season is Libra facts 99% wild at times shirt. May we all look as casually graceful as a Libra doing anything, even in the midst of a breakdown. Want an astrology shorty until they wake up one day n all her shit is packed and she’s moving back with her parents cuz it’s Libra season and she just views you as an inanimate ball of energy that she needs to let go smh please Karen if ur reading this I just wanna see my kids. I gotta ask this, I can’t stay silent, so why are Libras are attracted to Aquarius and Sagittarius, but they know they’re not the relationship type. Thank you on campus girls and gays for blasting Azealia banks so loud I could hear it thru my closed window and im falling asleep humming to the big beat. Libra seasons impact. Buy this shirt:  Libra facts shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Younique I sell it I use it I love it I am Younique shirt

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I think that’s why they are doing it this Younique I sell it I use it I love it I am Younique shirt, to see how many golds, plants want to use a code for her, rather than adding more ops for her if she did sell out. I can agree there. Leave endangered animals alone. If you are going to hunt a species in abundance then have the respect for the creature to at least use every bit you can or give or sell it to those who will. I have no issue with stuffing and, or mounting if they do that though. Guys this is really important. If u use a loop don’t sell the exclusive. Cause they’re gonna copyright it and every producer who ever used it including the originator is going to dispute. And if it’s me, I really don’t care, ill make you give the whole bag back. Buy this shirt:  Younique I sell it I use it I love it I am Younique shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Children Play Plaza shirt

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Child’s Play does not need to Children Play Plaza shirt. I thought the story was still being told through the direct to DVD films. I will be checking this out though to give it a fair chance. And I like Aubrey Plaza so that’s a plus. Captain Blackbeard, his trusty first mate Jones, and Polly the parrot have hidden their treasure here at darlo play plaza! Follow their footprints to find the gold! Can you find it before? Every single time spent with our child is so precious. So let’s play and have fun because they will soon be growing up and have their own world. Let’s play a mini car race with your children at Racing World Plaza Renon, 2nd Floor. The fact that there are ppl who are so against Aubrey Plaza in the new child’s play reboot is beyond me I for one am beyond excited and I will be there opening night. Buy this shirt:  Children Play Plaza shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

This is my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt

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Of course, sir how a This is my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt student can intact to its studies after watching the Dramas, movies and other things as well bcz 4 science students the paragon of success should be scientists, not an actress bcz after marriage there is no such emotions exist what they convey via movies. All I want is to be snuggled by the fire with that cute boy watching a movie. But that ain’t happening anytime soon. We are Pakistanis Always Watching ur movies drama anything why Indians are always playing a negative role against us especially media do you think war better and the only option for peace. don’t be fair and should play a positive role in both sides of people. Buy this shirt:  This is my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

No I don’t want a flu shot shirt

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Flu season isn’t here, flu shot season is No I don’t want a flu shot shirt. The only illness with a season. The only illness with propaganda to inject yourself and your loved ones with a pointless and dangerous scam. Be sure to ask your child’s pediatrician about getting the flu shot. You can also go to your local pharmacy to get it there. The best medicine is preventative medicine. Parents, do Y’all let Y’all kids get flu shots? Been hearing that they make kids sick fr I honestly don’t trust anything that got to do with the government really don’t want my son to get one at school. Buy this shirt:  No I don’t want a flu shot shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Teacher skull I’ll just wait until it’s quiet shirt

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It’s up to you if you want to Teacher skull I’ll just wait until it’s quiet shirt tell her I just rather wait to hear it from her if she doesn’t want us to know it’s cause she doesn’t want us to tell her how we feel. So until she wants to hear the truth I’ll just stay quiet. People are definitely gearing up for the four-dayers. It’s the 9 pm usually very quiet train and one girl sobbing a man has passed out clutching five guys and someone’s just fallen on me. Wait till tomorrow. The number of plans I’ve made I’ll be drunk solidly until Tuesday. Buy this shirt:  Teacher skull I’ll just wait until it’s quiet shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Adenosine let the beat drop shirt

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I loved the way he rapped and Adenosine let the beat drop shirt out of the song a little bit to let the beat drop and play like that for a bit before stepping in once again. The sound of it so calming and it just puts you into this place where you just want to sit there and reflect, then RM step in again. When I threw parties in high school I would perfectly time the moment when I opened the front door to let in my friends to the beat drop of the chorus to my house by Florida blasting through my speakers. Buy this shirt:  Adenosine let the beat drop shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

I see more private parts than a hooker nurse life shirt

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Ever had your private parts groped surreptitiously in an I see more private parts than a hooker nurse life shirt crowded bar? Women have. Ever been scared to go jogging alone? Women have. Ever wondered if a date would end in rape? Women have. Ever been afraid to be alone with a plumber, cable guy, repairman? For us, it never ends. I think that hard stans are fine but I think that maybe people are made of the fact when people sexualize them when. In a moment where they may feel uncomfortable or. Zooming in on private parts when they’re doing nothing but standing. Buy this shirt:  I see more private parts than a hooker nurse life shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

If you think I’m a bitch you should meet my smartass best friend shirt

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I owe it to my friend to If you think I’m a bitch you should meet my smartass best friend shirt there when he’s hurt. Why should she even have to explain it? It’s just what you’re supposed to do, isn’t it? How could he not see how selfish it would be to walk away. I’m sorry but I’ll meet up with you in a bit. He needs help. I had a dream that I went to a rep show last minute I wish and I ended up getting rep room and all I could say was ‘thank you so much I just don’t understand but also u should know about my friend Sophie she loves you so much I really wish she got to meet you instead. Buy this shirt:  If you think I’m a bitch you should meet my smartass best friend shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Don’t like me fuck off problem solved shirt

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I’m not super skinny. I’m like this Don’t like me fuck off problem solved shirt. I don’t always dress up. I don’t always do my makeup. I may not be the prettiest girl out there. But I do have a big heart, will love unconditionally and care for you like no other. You really won’t find someone else like me. I’m not super skinny. I’m not thick. I don’t always dress up. I don’t always do my makeup. I may not be the prettiest girl out there. But I do have a big heart, will love unconditionally and care for you like no other. You really won’t find someone else like me. Buy this shirt:  Don’t like me fuck off  problem  solved shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a chicken shirt

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A fetus cannot survive outside of the A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a chicken shirt until many months into a pregnancy. Without the uterus, it would die. Therefore, it falls under the bodily autonomy of the woman and she can do with it what she pleases. I think it is neither’s world. Just like you cannot exist as a media without our readership, the same relationship applies to man and woman. Neither can survive without the other. My opinion. Retweets are endorsements. Why do you feel more obligation to fight for the rights of the unborn who cannot survive outside of the womb vs the rights of the living, breathing girl,  woman  of childbearing age who is pregnant? Buy this shirt:  A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a chicken shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Heart semicolon you matter don’t let your story end shirt

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I’ve learned it’s best to Heart semicolon you matter don’t let your story end shirt wait until you have a cohesive story with a beginning, middle and end before seeking feedback. Don’t ask family members, friends, who have no clue about your genre. I love you husband, but let’s both save time and leave the critique to writers. End of story. That’s pretty much all I gotta say. I’m done trying to be this pretty face everyone wants me to be. You rock with me, or you do n’t. Your choice. If you don’t have twitter too so if a friend shows you this, then let’s talk about it. Buy this shirt:  Heart semicolon you matter don’t let your story end shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

Don’t ever piss off a short girl shirt

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Short girls with Don’t ever piss off a short girl they’re like cute adorable tiny ninjas of death who are at the perfect height to punch you in the balls short girls are badass shirt don’t impress me bc they got some little ass torsos and little ass bodies, so their shit really isn’t that long. Show me a bitch that’s 5’10 with some long hair then ima be impressed. I went to Music Bank arrival for a short moment to see the girls but it was raining so heavily so it’s hard to take pictures with the camera so I didn’t and only watches them with my own eyes. Since it was raining, the girls are walking on my side and Seokyeong told me that it’s. I just saw a video of a girl cutting her own hair and it took me down memory lane in high school. Buy this shirt:  Don’t ever piss off a short girl shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/

When I think about you shirt

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Do you know that When I think about you I touch myself meaning I rub my temples because you give me a fucking migraine shirt we judge others because we’re insecure? When we judge, we are often projecting something we don’t want to feel about ourselves or something that we feel is missing in our own lives. Think about this the next time you’re tempted to pass judgment. I think Kanye is ridiculous. You have so many songs talking about having sex with other women and even lyrics mentioning how you would smash your wife’s sisters but everyone is supposed to apologize and respect you because your wife has a common nickname and a rumor started. Buy this shirt:  When I think about  you  shirt From:  https://afamilyshirt.com/