Elephant I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine sweater

They were immigrants. Illegal trespassers are those that Elephant I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine sweater. If an alien is vetted Ellis Island style and pass muster with ICE I welcome them. Brenda Flores same with my Polish grandparents, 1800s, Ellis island,, to Buffalo, opened a store, sold groceries, toys, etc. my mom was poor, Polish, yet she went to college, even Cornell u. For masters, no help from anyone, no freebies. I think the DACA people need to find out where Obama lives and go protest to him. He’s the one that caused this mess. And it was illegal. I know several that have become legal citizens.
Elephant I'm a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine Guys Shirt

Buy this shirt: Elephant I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine sweater
From: https://sweatshirtus.com/

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