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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2019

Official Teacher I am shirt

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Is Harry Potter important in its Official Teacher I am  shirt ? Sure, it probably is the biggest modern fantasy franchise. Does that change that the LotR films outclass them in many points which make a film great? Nope, not really. You don’t seem to grasp the difference between what the film world views as important and what common people like. I mean I just love HP more lol. I really don’t care about debating because I honestly don’t see many similarities between them anyway. Buy this shirt:  Official Teacher I am  shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I don’t need therapy I need 90s rap shirt

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Not simply because of them, I need I don’t need therapy I need 90s rap shirt, but lasting memories of sitting and reading with my son starting his kindergarten year when he was 5. Me reading to him, then eventually him reading to me, and both of us taking turns reading the last book to each other at age 15. I will forever treasure these books. Like, you must have some sort of hateful-ness inside of you. Or you’re just a plain grump-ass. There’s no reason to waste your time being negative about something for no reason. Buy this shirt:  I don’t need therapy I need 90s rap shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Winos women in need of sanity shirt

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Angela Moorehouse can you imagine that Winos women in need of sanity shirt. Don’t worry Potter we have a gun that pretty much kills anything we’ll handle voldebitch for you. Someone buy this man a Harry Potter book so he can stop feeling left out. Well, this is about witches, not Wiccans. Learn the difference between the two. I sincerely hope this is sarcasm at its best considering it’s a goddamn Fictional movie. Get whatever broomstick is lodged in your ass removed and stop being so uptight. Fucking hell. Buy this shirt:  Winos women in need of sanity shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m mostly peace love and tattoos and a little go fuck yourself shirt

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I love the I’m mostly peace love and tattoos and a little go fuck yourself  shirt . The test will be if her work can stand the test of time as TOLKIENS has. I admit I watched a few of her movies. Quit after she killed Sirius off. Then heard she killed almost everybody else of importance off. All that Snape had been through, and she kills him. Nic, where did you get your info? LOTRS every year they had a movie out ALWAYS nominated for at least 10 academy awards. How many for Potter. Buy this shirt:  I’m mostly peace love and tattoos and a little go fuck yourself shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey mouse and paw dog shirt

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I like how people come to comment and I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey mouse and paw dog shirt. Box office and influence on filmmaking aren’t exactly the same thing, Nic and you’re forgetting that the LOTR movies aren’t movies which parents took their kids to see. For movies which mostly adults went to see, the numbers are pretty damn good. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey mouse and paw dog shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I am so ready to drink wine in flip flops shirt

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Couldn’t say it any better! Everyone always wants to the I am so ready to drink wine in flip flops shirt. If someone doesn’t like the series why are they posting here? So much people waste time with negativity. Why not be happy and smile for a change? Well said! I was actually quite shocked that there were so many negative comments about this. Some of you say this is pathetic and a waste of time but I think your negative comments are Pathetic. Buy this shirt:  I am so ready to drink wine in flip flops shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Jameson the night time sniffling sneezing how the feck did I end up on the floor medicine shirt

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Fair enough, yep, I’m a Jameson the night time sniffling sneezing how the  feck  did I end up on the floor medicine shirt. But there are hundreds of thousands of younger generations that love this franchise and all your doing is being a bitter, twisted asshole to those. Ribal Tarabah not really no, just sick of the silly snide remarks of people like this. And by commenting Think about someone other than your shallow minded self. Ribal Tarabah not really no, just sick of the silly snide remarks of people like this. And by commenting. Buy this shirt:  Jameson the night time sniffling sneezing how the  feck  did I end up on the floor medicine shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Police wife mom life nurse basically I’m a Rockstar shirt

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I’m overwhelmed with all the Police wife mom life nurse basically I’m a Rockstar  shirt,  and support! I only put this comment up as I just got SICK of all the keyboard warriors spouting negativity and venom about a much-loved family phenomenon. You’re all amazing!!! And for the negative ones that HAD to put their pennies worth in was it really worth it? Nope! Cus you’re just proving a point. Carla Marie Newson People are ridiculous getting so worked up over such a silly thing! Perhaps we should have compassion as they obviously have sad lives. Buy this shirt:  Police wife mom life nurse basically I’m a Rockstar shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I wear blue for autism awareness accept understand love Jack Skellington shirt

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Reading some of the I wear blue for autism awareness accept understand love Jack Skellington shirt how miserable a lot of people are about the Harry Potter series of films and books that have brought a lot of fun, enjoyment, and happiness to a huge part of the world’s population. It’s harmless fun and escapism. Keep your negativity and nastiness to yourselves. Good God, aren’t they pathetic – particularly the religious element – devil worshippers indeed. Thank you! It’s literally magical and the Wizarding World Of HP is beyond amazing. Buy this shirt:  I wear blue for autism awareness accept understand love Jack Skellington shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Baseball Lucas #8 shirt

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All the butthurt squibs on the Baseball Lucas #8 shirt. My favorite scene of Harry Potter is when he’s on the USS Enterprise with Gandalf, and he’s told he needs to use the force to save district 13 from the invading Daleks. I feel like this is something you’d say by accident without Harry Potter though. You, sir, need to find the deepest hole there is lay down and bury yourself this comment is the least funny I’ve seen so far. Buy this shirt:  Baseball Lucas #8 shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Just a woman who loves skulls and has tattoos shirt

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I used to volunteer at this Just a woman who loves skulls and has tattoos shirt. And it basically just a camp for kids with physical and mental disorders. And so we were each assigned to certain kids and my kid was a lot like this little one although he was already in preschool he was just about the size of a one-year-old who was extraordinarily thin he was about 30lbs if that, in fact, I don’t even think he was that much. Regardless of his physical appearance though he played and enjoyed life just like the other kids, in fact. Buy this shirt:  Just a woman who loves skulls and has tattoos shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Heifer be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt

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He is the Heifer be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt. These parents are very lucky to have him and they get to enjoy every baby stage for a little bit longer he is absolutely precious. I would love to see s future update on him. Keep us updated, love to know how he is doing from time to time. Handsome little guy! My son was born at 24 weeks because of a brain bleed. He is 4 and is about the size of a 2-year-old. It is very nice to enjoy the baby stages for so long. Most babies grow so fast! I think this child is adorable! Buy this shirt:  Heifer be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Go outside worst case scenario a bear kills you shirt

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Lora Kane, exactly I was gonna say that Go outside worst case scenario a bear kills you shirt! why would you treat him like a baby longer, the point is for him to be just like that kid at every stage people shouldn’t treat a little kid like a newborn at two years old just because they’re small. Lejla Willis, I just saw a picture of him recently put on his mother’s page he’s still very tiny like a newborn but he has long blonde hair. Look up Genevieve cook on FB. It’s the 1st one. Go through her profile pictures. It has an updated picture of him.  Aww  he’s so adorable. Buy this shirt:  Go outside worst case scenario a bear kills you  shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Flower love one another shirt

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I just love reading all the Flower love one another shirt. One of my nephews and one of my grandsons were quite premature, weighing around 3lbs. They were so tiny and so precious. Two of my kids were over 8lbs. Big or small they’re all miracles. Brandi Smith god bless you sweetie and your baby to take care of your baby. And you’re just a healthy preemie. Hopefully, you get to carry your baby to term. And with the artificial uterus that’s in development, they will save even younger ones. Buy this shirt:  Flower love one another shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I thought I like coffee turns out I like creamer shirt

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This is not a premie. This is an I thought I like coffee turns out I like creamer shirt. Nicole, you don’t have all the answers and understand every single person’s unique situation. People with disabilities and their families are successful all the time! Instead of being so negative why don’t you lift these people that have struggles up. One can only think that you have been wounded in your life and your not willing to lift others, be of the positive mind, nor show grace. It’s time to heal. Basically, every mom wish. Buy this shirt:  I thought I like coffee turns out I like creamer shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

St Patrick’s day shamrock Irish heart shirt

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God made everyone differently for a St Patrick’s day shamrock Irish heart shirt, he may be your president one day you’ll never know. Kim Neville-Hinks, two idiotic comments in a sea of positivity! Don’t waste your time on people like them. It’s sad that they felt compelled to share their negative views!! Thank you though!. Absolutely! Well said! Let’s a raise a society of accepting kids where everyone is welcomed rather than bullies who are horrible at the first sight of difference. I can proudly say my children are exactly like that. Buy this shirt:  St Patrick’s day shamrock Irish heart shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The higher the hair the closer to heaven shirt

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My son spends a The higher the hair the closer to heaven shirt and I don’t know exactly what it is but I’m very proud of him for supporting him through it all. I raised my children not to judge people because they looked or acted differently than them. They thought bigotry was a part of the past. My daughters learned the cold truth in high school. My son when he transferred schools in the third grade. You can tell people there is ugliness in this world but until they see for themselves they can not believe it. My kids were shocked to learn such narrow minds still exist. I am proud they are not narrow-minded. Buy this shirt:  The higher the hair the closer to heaven shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I will teach art here or there I will teach art everywhere shirt

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Yes, we need more excepting children with the I will teach art here or there I will teach art everywhere shirt. I work on this daily with my 5-year-old son and tell his dad that it’s our responsibility as parents to raise the next generation of kids and I will stop nothing to make sure he is polite, courteous, and a respectful young man. Am I the only one having an “Elmira” moment over how cute this little boy is!?! Best of luck and many many years of joy and happiness to this family. I mean, I really really really am feeling my inner Elmira here! Buy this shirt:  I will teach art here or there I will teach art everywhere shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Chicken I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m right shirt

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Who are we to judge how worthy of the Chicken I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m  right  shirt, how their life no matter how long or short, how able-bodied they are. Is their life worth any less or does it carry any less purpose or blessings to others? We are perfectly and wonderfully made as we are! I would feel honored to know this family and meet their wonderful children How blessed they are to share their love for each other with us all on here. Pamela Steele, I actually lived in Pennsylvania but I would take trips to Cincinnati for it. Buy this shirt:  Chicken I’m not arguing I’m explaining why I’m right shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

My mom always wonders where I get my attitude from you homegirl I get it from you shirt

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I get emotional every birthday because my daughter is My mom always wonders where I get my attitude from you homegirl I get it from  you  shirt. She’s my baby and if I could pause her I definitely would! Nope not everyone  wish . I don’t wish anyone to keep their kids this small for this long. My daughter is very mini-me also. Genetics don’t have answers. I can’t put baby clothes on her and send her to school. I can’t find underwear her size either. How about a backpack to carry her books and not her. There is a lot of heartache with this. Buy this shirt:  My mom always wonders where I get my attitude from you homegirl I get it from  you  shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The godfather Karl Fagerlund shirt

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So I tossed and The godfather Karl Fagerlund shirt, then I finally can’t take it anymore, I stood up and went straight to my room where she’s sleeping. I approached the bed, gently sat on it and I reached for her shoulder to pull her closer to me. She stirred and woke up. She asked what’s up. I told her, you know, the first time I saw you, I was watching a video and left it playing to get my self a sandwich then went to the store to get some mayo then I got distracted by life that I forgot to finish the video. Buy this shirt:  The godfather Karl Fagerlund shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

It’s ok to be a little different shirt

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I hate when I go somewhere and It’s ok to be a little different shirt and I’m like “I’ll have the sweet one” and it’s still dry AF. it’s like this in Italy. I tried like 5 different wines in five different cities and I was stuck with a dry glass every time. I just stopped drinking wine on that trip. Barefoot wine is sweet, cheap and puts me to bed like a baby. Stay boozy my sweet wine lovers! If you think barefoot is good then you must try Stella Rose or Verdi. You will never go back to Barefoot again! Buy this shirt:  It’s ok to be a little different shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Ya done messed up Aaron vintage shirt

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Funny, this Ya done messed up Aaron vintage shirt. People would ask him to recommend a good wine, he had only drunk Bud all his life he’d walk up and down the isles and pretend he was looking for something then he’d hand the people the bottle and tell them it was great, It was funny when people came in and thanked him for the good suggestion. On Adam Ruins Everything on Tru TV he has an episode about Wine and how most of the description and pricing is bs 3 dollar bottle can be just as good as 30. Buy this shirt:  Ya done messed up Aaron vintage shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Chips and salsa diet shirt

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Could have used a Chips and salsa diet shirt, just to make cookies with her glass. Wash the wine bottle first germs go away. One pro tip for the biscuits press straight down, do not wiggle the cutter back and forth as that seals the edges of the biscuit, making it rise less and less fluffy. Great stuff, though. The salt and boiling water for a wine stain really does work. Buy this shirt:  Chips and salsa diet shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Irish shark doo doo doo doo shirt

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I remember hearing you talking about the Irish shark doo doo doo doo shirt. This website has great ideas we could do with Hannah. A little pre-planning and many cool projects with her. The polishing pads used for the first hack to grind the glass of the bottle, is that Stadea hand polishing pads? Which grit. Am I the only one who was really bothered by how horrible of a job they did staining that?! I was cringing looking at that. Buy this shirt:  Irish shark doo doo doo doo shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time shirt

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This past week, the I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time shirt, so proud because she watched the bartender pour it and knew it was the right one. Right brand, but a cab instead of my fave pinot noir. I didn’t have the heart to correct her again. Whatever, it’s wine! Cheers. if you actually pay attention to what you’re smelling and tasting instead of guzzling it back, you wouldn’t feel so in the dark. You would be shocked to see what winemakers drink when they’re off the clock, lol. Buy this shirt:  I’m proof my mommy doesn’t play the legend of Zelda all the time shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Easily distracted by dogs and big veins shirt

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Every single time I read or hear the Easily distracted by dogs and big veins shirt. Keri Lynn, we don’t necessarily have free healthcare it’s definitely better than the states but my disabled mother basically has no resources or income. So not perfect, England is much better than us. And it’s gotten much more expensive, mostly in the past 10 years. I left Canada for two years and just got back last year and was shocked how much more expensive everything became. Buy this shirt:  Easily distracted by dogs and big veins shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Hiccup and Toothless fly shirt

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Sweet Walter Red wine is the Hiccup and Toothless fly shirt! You gotta try it! I can’t drink Barefoot. But Sweet Walter is amazing! When people ask for sweet wine I tell them no not really any. Your bartender slash server should know the wine better. Moscato is about it. When you start drinking real wine you don’t care for sweet wines and when anything has a hint of sweetness you pick up on it more. So I think your problem is that you wanted a glass of liquid sugar and they were just offering a hint of sweetness. Buy this shirt:  Hiccup and Toothless fly shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Beauty and the Beast Belle volleyball shirt

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Aimee Renee Runyon is Beauty and the Beast Belle volleyball shirt. Red wine, lemonade or sprite. And ice. In Spain, they call it Calimocho and instead of sprite they use Coke. It was originally intended to be a summer drink, but it’s popular all year long. Mercedes  Cervantes  I think it’s the glassware. For me, at least. I’m not a huge wine fan, but sometimes I’ll get in the mood for it if I’m just watching TV or something. Buy this shirt:  Beauty and the Beast Belle volleyball shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball shirt

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I’m from South Florida and we have a Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball shirt, some were close friends of mine. I guess the Americanized ones never got into it though. They were all pretty much beer (specifically Heineken for some reason), LIT, Jack and Coke, and common-brand cognac drinkers. Some of them would butcher their Remy with Coke or sprite though as well. But I’m not gonna lie, I can’t drink whiskey straight very often. It has to be a shot preferably with a stereotypical-bartender amaro floater or I’ll drink whiskey/diet. Buy this shirt:  Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

On the farm rubber boots go with anything especially pajamas shirt

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Im gonna have to explain to the On the farm rubber boots go with anything especially pajamas shirt, or having to copy the URL and paste it on a youtube to mp3 website, then look for the files, move them to your windows player and then burn the disc using blank ones. Jesus fucking Christ. Kids have it so easy today yet racism is growing back in our country ,kids  losing their lives just by going to school ,parents  losing their jobs. Parents struggling to make a living. Kids of color terrified of being shot by police. The world is so polluted and dying faster so these are growing up in a worse world than yours. Buy this shirt:  On the  farm  rubber boots go with anything especially pajamas shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Yeah well you know that’s just like your opinion man shirt

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We had to wait for the Yeah well you know that’s just like your opinion man shirt. And The Big Lebowski The Dude Yeah Well You Know That’s Just Like Your Opinion Man shirt. Lol. The good ol days. Alicia Pegram yup. You nailed it. Took the words right out of my mouth. It’s all they know because this is what they were born into. Very convenient. What really gets me about this little girl though is how patient she was while Alexa got it wrong. Buy this shirt:  Yeah well you know that’s just like your opinion man shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Feeling magical but also Stabby shirt

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Yeah, we get the Feeling magical but also Stabby shirt and Love of unicorns and magical shirt. Back in mah day if you wanted to hear music you had to play it yourself! Just kidding but that is what you sound like. Janie Gunn I did that often lol it was so frustrating and a waste of a whole day. Back in my day if you wanted music you had to walk down to the village and ask Memaw to sing. Oh, shut the fuck up. Before your time they didn’t have anything to record with. Buy this shirt:  Feeling magical but also Stabby shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m surrounded by idjits vintage shirt

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Chill Will Davis brilliant. So glad Mum made an I’m surrounded by idjits vintage shirt. And Supernatural I’m Surrounded by idjits Retro shirt. I really don’t understand why all kids go crazy when they hear that song my niece had a birthday party last month and when it came on all of the kids started dancing. Chill Will Davis this song is in every daycare, preschool, and school its like every child on this planet knows that song and “bear hunt” on youtube. She was so patient and never threw a tantrum. Buy this shirt:  I’m surrounded by idjits vintage shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to drink with you again shirt

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My whole tantrum would’ve come out by the Hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to drink with you again shirt. Or Beer Hello Darkness My Old Friend Funny Shirt. Damn you, Alexa! I dnt even use my Alexa bitch ass no more cause I dnt need that stress in my life. Sophia Carter Ward I know because I will be cussing Google out for keep repeating the wrong thing. David Christiansen, she’s very smart, realizing her mom’s voice would be more effective. Buy this shirt:  Hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to drink with you again shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Buffalo bill’s body lotion it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again shirt

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My co-worker said something about the Buffalo bill’s body lotion it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again shirt. And Buffalo Bill Body Lotion Funny which notes it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again shirt. I thought Jaws was about to play. Where have you been? It’s everywhere! You’re one of the fortunate ones that haven’t been subjected to the shark madness. Chill Will Davis so much…I play this video almost daily because it warms my heart so much and her dancing is one of the cutest things I’ve seen in a long time! Buy this shirt:  Buffalo bill’s body lotion it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m a simple woman I like Sunflower Coffee paw dog shirt

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Janie Gunn yup! I belong to that I’m a simple woman I like Sunflower Coffee paw dog shirt. Or In a world full of roses be a sunflower simple woman shirt. They will just feel that joy about something else that we, in turn, won’t understand or share in their hype. The joy and hype are still there, just what it’s towards has changed. I remember when the Walkman came out! It was like $200, plus cassette tapes and my parents bought 3 of them as part of our Christmas gifts the first year they came out. We were living in Berlin Germany and everyone didn’t have them. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I like Sunflower Coffee paw dog shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Green beer flag American Irish shirt

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I would have gotten frustrated faster than her with a Green beer flag American Irish shirt. Or St Patrick’s Day Irish Flag Green Beer And Shenanigans Shirt. Always have to act as if no one could possibly have done anything worthwhile or worth congratulations simply because you think had a hard life every gen has something harder than the next. That’s why tech exists. Buy this shirt:  Green beer flag American Irish shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Rick Sanchez vs Archer drink wine shirt

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Just this Rick Sanchez vs Archer drink wine shirt, and Rick and Morty vs Archer mashup design shirt. Have a blank tape ready to record and press Play/Record. Listen to the whole song play then press Stop precisely when the song ended before the announcer would speak. And so, this several times if we wanted a whole mixed tape. Buy this shirt:  Rick Sanchez vs Archer drink wine shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Star Trek The walking dead shirt

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For 2yrs I had no idea what my son was talking about the Star Trek The walking dead shirt. Or Star Trek Inspired Walking Dead Red Mens Shirt, he looked it up to show me on YouTube. Now I’m addicted to the dang song. I’ve bet you’ve heard it now two months ago I’d never heard it and now I hear it every day. Chill Will Davis, there are funny remakes now by Desmond you have to stop crawling under rocks, my friend. Buy this shirt:  Star Trek The walking dead shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dale Earnhardt damn I’m good shirt

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Dont they fear of the Dale Earnhardt damn I’m  good  shirt and Damn I’m Good Dale Earnhardt Sr. The Intimidator NASCAR Tribute shirt?? It’s amazing. That looks like fun! But, I am afraid I would fly over the railing in the back. I want to see this on “outrageous acts of Science” it looks like something that can easily be possible, the people who are saying that it looks fake obviously never paid attention in class or we’re always too high to pay attention. Why is that every time I see them jump and land back I laugh harder and harder? Buy this shirt:  Dale Earnhardt damn I’m  good  shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Erik Killmonger Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors shirt

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Awesome videos, really? Are you proud of adding this Erik Killmonger Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships cause they knew death was better than bondage shirt and Black Panther bury me in the ocean shirt? Do you support that kind of things? Wasnt expecting that. The two guys hanging from the bar that’s talented & I hope that one guy didn’t have gas when the other guy went under & back up him. I loved that skater who jumped on the ice and dropped his camera to his friend became tow pictures. the first one of the hopper and the second of the  recipient .  People enslave elephants and torture them every day. Buy this shirt:  Erik Killmonger Bury me in the ocean with my  ancestors  shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Why is social media teaching more black history than public schools shirt

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It’s not a technique that Why is social media teaching more black history than public schools  shirt,  or Social Media shirt. It’s just as safe and effective as a rope up top and pulling but takes a lot less time and equipment. It’s also safer than rope because there’s no chance of it setting back the direction it’s leaning. If you pull with a rope from the top you risk bending the top, rather than pulling the tree over. The jack is applying leverage in a location that won’t flex, very effective and safe. Buy this shirt:  Why is social media teaching more black history than public schools shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Charlie Blackmon Just a little stitious shirt

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Although it’s possible the Charlie Blackmon Just a little stitious shirt, Charlie Blackmon Baseball shirt. Looked clumsy yet she somehow lands really slowly and not a stumble it’s clearly edited. Actually, the slowdown as they approach the landing is the result of how projectile motion works. Basically, as an object approaches the height of its arc, in this case, the start and landing, it loses its vertical momentum. This is why things that go up tend to come back down. Buy this shirt:  Charlie Blackmon Just a little stitious shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air bunch shirt

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Still can’t show a Fresh Prince of Bel-Air bunch shirt and Fresh Prince Of Bel Air shirt. It does not count if you don’t land it anyone can throw themselves off a cliff and crash. People and elephants are awesome, well where’s the awesome elephant videos? One clip. I watched the whole thing expecting to see more elephants what a disappointment. U guys I love ur videos but don’t u have WhatsApp group but anyway I love the first move but am a challenger from Uganda no one can challenge me. Buy this shirt:  Fresh Prince of Bel-Air bunch shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I hope you understand I’m too old to pretend I like you shirt

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In an, I hope you understand I’m too old to pretend I like  you  shirt or Vintage she’s a good girl hope you understand shirt. In a small bowl, beat together egg and milk. Stir milk and egg into flour mixture. Mix in the butter and fold in the blueberries. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot. Wise men speak when they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something Samuel Clemens aka mark twain. Buy this shirt:  I hope you understand I’m too old to pretend I like  you  shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Behind every good catcher is a mom trying to take a photo of her kid shirt

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Needed a Behind every good catcher is a mom trying to take a photo of her kid with the ump in the way shirt or Baseball mom  boymom  sports shirt. If you can’t get a truck close enough to tie to tie it off to a tree so it can’t go backward. My dad did tree removal all his life and I grew up around it. In his day in our city, he was known as the best around. Walker Korby, I Used This Method on a 24″ Dead Cherry tree about 15′ from my house and leaning in that direction. It worked perfectly fell within a foot of where I had told the help that it would. Next is dead ash with the same problem. Buy this shirt:  Behind every good catcher is a mom trying to take a photo of her kid shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Team young lifetime member shirt

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Stop posting animal abuse comments the Team young lifetime member shirt or  Heart beat  team Young lifetime member shirt. Here’s to all those times it didn’t work before they got it right. Bloody brilliantly people! Boy, the things you can do on a Mac computer to get likes on social media. Great advertisement tool. Trebron Super it would have been the same principle. However, I don’t think those guys were so concerned with safety since one of them where down face level with the chainsaw without any safety equipment at all not even hearing protection. Buy this shirt:  Team young lifetime member shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

When the doctor takes an X-ray of my heart cat shirt

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So who cares. They wanted to do it this When the doctor takes an X-ray of my heart cat shirt or Cat is In My Heart Funny shirt, what’s the big deal, it fell where they wanted it. Watched my father cut trees for years when we cut firewood for extra money. Never needed any of this. Agree also, too many extra people walking around like supervisors grading the work. Dillan Zblewski people have become dumber and dumber, with anything that takes an original thought. Dillan Zblewski even on the video you could tell the tree wasn’t going to go the direction they fell it no matter how deep the back cut and probably not worth wedges either. This phone is amazing. Buy this shirt:  When the doctor takes an X-ray of my heart cat shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Beauty and the Beast Belle soccer shirt

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Well worded explanation mate, not like half the Beauty and the Beast Belle soccer shirt or Im A Beauty In The Streets And Beast Cleats Soccer shirt. You gotta love when an m.f. drop facts and you just can’t argue with it. I actually couldn’t think why they would go through so much effort. Ur answer makes the absolute most logical sense. I also like how someone tried to dispute you and you straight shot em down with even more facts. Internet gold. Unless you’re there to judge the lean you can’t tell. I’m sure they wouldn’t have used the jack if it wasn’t needed on this tree. Buy this shirt:  Beauty and the Beast Belle soccer shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/