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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2018

Santa Claus all I need for Christmas is you beer sweater

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I think it is time for a Santa Claus all I need for Christmas is you beer sweater commission to take a close look at the voting machines because they are suspect. I am proud of those communities. And don’t lose your voices once there. Aren’t we feeding into Trump’s claim that she isn’t really Naive American by giving this prestigious honor to the second Native American? We all wanted those Governorships but we take what we got and smile because Trump is in panic mode. And we have a diverse group in the House and that was much needed to represent America. But as you said, Dems won the house and they did it with such a range of candidates. People of all different races, ages, religions and sexual orientations. Buy this shirt:  Santa Claus all I need for Christmas is  you  beer sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

As long as we have wine the holidays will be fine sweater

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I don’t need to spend more money that As long as we have wine the holidays will be fine sweater is completely unnecessary to satisfy my needs for momentary happiness and bankruptcy. I got a set of these and they are pretty cool. It’s just an upgrade to a standard light. And it makes me want to take care of them more than lights that most of us throw away the following year. This will most likely be the last set of light I ever buy. It’s more fun to build it yourself. Did the first one 3 years ago. And the x-mas tree version last year. The best Christmas I ever had is when I took my young son out to cut a small tree down and decorated the old fashioned way with strung popcorn and sentimental ornaments. It’s great for those who are into technology, don’t have kids, teens/early 20’s just starting out etc etc. Buy this shirt:  As long as we have wine the holidays will be  fine  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Hey snot face Merry Christmas sweater

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If everyone insists on posting videos of Hey snot face Merry Christmas sweater cutting a soda can without gloves. Let’s at least make it realistic. Show all the cuts they assuredly got while handling the sharp metal, add a cut shot of them going to the doctor to get their tetanus shot renewed. Stephen has been my go-to guy since before the orange curse. Now he is truly my main panic dissolver. That looked like the Colbert report set with Captain America’s shield. It seems like Christmas Eve and I’m afraid we will get Coal instead of Gifts. My little podunk polling station ran out of I Voted stickers. Looks like the turnout is great. I love not wearing makeup, I don’t need it to make me feel beautiful for me and I don’t give a shit if you think im ugly! Honestly, there are other materials out there to make crafts with. Do you really need to use plastic forks! What happens to the pieces of the fork. Buy this shirt:  Hey snot face Merry Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com

Christmas cookie eating crew sweater

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Go for someone who makes Christmas cookie eating crew sweater because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright I’m sorry. It is peachy lol, that’s why I got it. The merry bright has too pink for me. And na your ass shoulda gotten it. on the bright side of my nearing anxiety attack, I have a small puppy sleeping on top of me. Somebody didn’t wake up this day, but you did that’s enough reason to stop complaining and be thankful for the gift of life. Never let your struggles and troubles blind you from your daily blessings. This from PragerU is notable for a that people can listen to such an obviously super posh person railing against elites and buy it. Have we on the left ceded YouTube to the barbarians? Why couldn’t we have PragerU But Good Tho? Don’t go for looks. Buy this shirt:  Christmas cookie eating crew sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Feliz Navidad Christmas sweater

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He had no right to sneak into the Feliz Navidad Christmas sweater armed with his religion that no one there was interested in. Angie Teater actually this can’t he tried, however, the fisherman and anyone involved in him going there can. Angie Teater which makes me wonder – the belief and thinking of civilized men seem more primitive and rudimentary than those who haven’t heard about Christianity and all that. These tribesman lack immunity from the germs carried by outsiders because they have been isolated for so long. This is one of the many reasons that the Indian government protects them. Angie Teater, it was illegal the missionary was trespassing they warned him several times it’s dangerous he went there at his own risk of losing his life. Buy this shirt:  Feliz Navidad Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Lil Pump Merry Xmas hoe hoe hoe I love it sweater

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This is design and built as a Lil Pump Merry Xmas hoe hoe hoe I love it sweater tool for internal resources and a marketing tool for the brand externally. They’re a concept that most of us will never be able to afford. Besides, I didn’t pass my driving test to hand over control to a computer. I prefer my autonomy thank you very much. Computers have their place, but not at the expense of our humanity. So who is responsible if this machine fails and causes an accident? It doesn’t even have the option for a driver to take control. I never understood the point of those ultra-premium luxurious expensive cars if they’re only for show and just a handful of people are gonna actually buy them. Buy this shirt:  Lil Pump Merry Xmas hoe hoe hoe I love it  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Deadpool the other jolly guy in a red suit with a lap worth sitting on sweater

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I didn’t believe this Deadpool the other jolly guy in a red suit with a lap worth sitting on  s weater   for one minute. I then got called all kinds of nasty names from a whole lot of people on different news sites who disagreed with me for saying it was a scam. Kimberly Parker, I went to school with him and his family still live in my town. I worked with homeless vets and almost all of them had heart of gold, but there would be an extreme circumstance for someone to give all of their money away. Especially a homeless addict – it’s not them as a person, it’s their addiction that would never give up their last few bucks. It never sounded quite right. Barbra Dumont exactly what homeless person has cash unless they panhandle I questioned that when I first heard it. I live in a community with a lot of transients. Buy this shirt:  Deadpool the other jolly guy in a red suit with a lap worth sitting on  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Merry Yeezus Christmas sweater

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If a Merry Yeezus Christmas sweater can’t watch the show without making rude comments if it doesn’t go the way they wanted, maybe they should not watch it in the first place! Maddie Poppe will win. If she does not then America’s vote is meaningless. Hopefully, this is an indication that this show is back on the right track again. The democrat party is racist and sexist terrorist organization and started the klan what is called Antifa today. Bernie chats will never vote democrat again. I rarely get emotional but this young liberal man waking up to the lies of the Democrats almost brought me to tears last night. The media can lie, try to smear, or ignore us completely but there is nothing they can do to stop the black revolution that is happening. Thank you, God, for this moment. Buy this shirt:  Merry Yeezus Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Who needs Santa when you have pop sweater

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I gave away my Who needs Santa when you have pop sweater village collection. So I saw this and immediately thought of grandma and the displays she used to put out in the room between the entrance and dining room. I got that cute climb in Santa Claus last year on eBay just had to have it love the tree with the villages. I do Mrs this inside a little corner piece her cat always steals the little pieces then I couldn’t imagine with a tree like that but I love love it. Very beautiful. The only thing I don’t like is the little blinking tree, maybe it would be better if it would be in white? Christmas is coming, you can put it anywhere in the house, it is small but very bright, the night is shining with beautiful lights! Santa Claus With Reindeer, Snowman And Penguin Vector Illustration. Buy this shirt:  Who needs Santa when you have  pop  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Merry Christmas Star Wars Darth Vader sweater

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Hotel showed us they don’t have Merry Christmas Star Wars Darth Vader sweater rely on Lange and they finally made a season that catered to horror fans again. The show had hits and misses with and without Lange so it really isn’t her that makes or breaks the show. Regardless of how good of an actress she is. It’s cool to see her back now. The story and horror should be the main focus though. In the better seasons, those were the real stars of the show. The show was missing something without her..but her husband was dying. She knew when to get out because the writing turned to crap. Hopefully, this is an indication that this show is back on the right track again. You will never understand how happy this has made us fans who have been here since day one. If you have anything negative at all to say about this fuck off. Buy this shirt:  Merry Christmas Star Wars Darth Vader sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch always late sweater

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I’m sorry but Jim Carrey will always play The Grinch always late sweater. It doesn’t seem grinch’s enough. It seems more “kiddie”. Jessica Sumner Clarke, I bet you were one of those people like “Give Ben Affleck a chance,” when they made him Batman, so you should try to follow your own advice. Melissa Leman Dr. Seuss has never directed anything. The messing up the table scene was improvised. He was supposed to pull the tablecloth off and all the stuff on the table was supposed to go flying. Except he kept doing it perfectly, ruining the take. So finally, he did what we saw, do it perfectly, then turns back and mess it up by hand. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch always late sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Be nice to the receptionist Santa is watching sweater

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After carrying cookies and Be nice to the receptionist Santa is watching sweater and all that, to do what he’s told. What is this dog getting as a reward? He must be getting filet minion or something! I tried this they wanted to eat their stockings and they don’t have anything in them yet and the cookies sure didn’t make it to the plate who do ya think ate most of the no bakes I made lmao !! And Santa sure didn’t get any milk hell they had it gone be for the cookies were gone not even a crumb left. Who in fucks name leaves out Stroopwafels for Santa Clause? they are a dutch syrupy waffle but why the fuck leaves them out for Santa clause ?? the old fart barely has teeth I doubt he could chew Stroopwafels, nor should you feed them to dogs. Buy this shirt:  Be nice to the receptionist Santa is watching sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Beto got run over by a reindeer sweater

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Those complaining about the Beto got run over by a reindeer sweater they chose for Kristoff, they probably chose that actor because he is really good. Hamilton wasn’t historically accurate to what the founding fathers looked like, why should Frozen Broadway only hire people that looked like the animated characters. I can just read that dog’s mind as he rolls his eyes upward. Human, get this crazy thing off my head. What will the boys at the club think if they see me in this getup? This is a Tervueren shepherd, not a German shepherd, I know because we have one and he’s the sweetest. The poor dog can’t believe they’re making him do that he probably wishes they go out to a movie so it could go in their bed. Buy this shirt:  Beto got run over by a reindeer sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Never apologize for being a veteran sweater

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Again I am so proud to be a Never apologize for being a veteran sweater finger death punch fan another amazing song for a good cause and bringing great points to public great work all the members of five finger death punch you are all awesome. This hits home in more ways than one, not only as a recovering addict myself, of just over two years clean now but as part of a family across the coast to have lost many amazing people to their demons. This song is absolutely Amazing. I was married to an addict for 17 years. It is heartbreaking to watch them destroy themselves. At some point, you realize that the best thing you can do for them is nothing. And that is even harder. Buy this shirt:  Never apologize for being a veteran sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Deadpool Merry Christmas sweater

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It’s a really nice Deadpool Merry Christmas sweater much you appreciate your current customers. If we wanted to upgrade we had to pay full price on your phones, even on Cyber Monday, but new customers get half off. Everything has sucked about cricket including the service since you took over, AT&T. I wish they would have never sold it to you. Your too damn greedy and you don’t care about the very people you profit from! Doesn’t make good business sense on your part. Had this in my calendar to go to Aldi, the big marketing campaign for months and they shipped 10 to our store. OMG. I tried to get an Advent wine tree for Stef, but they were all sold out. Stef got an Advent cheese sampler for David. The wine sampler flew off the shelves. Buy this shirt:  Deadpool Merry Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Quiet I’m keeping score sweater

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I used to love Quiet I’m keeping score sweater racing until I started riding and owning horses. Racehorses are started way too young and worked very hard at a time young horses should not be ridden at all. Some show horse people do that too, but the horse ends up being arthritic before it’s time. I’ve owned horses that were started way too young, some off the track. Dealing with bowed tendons and suspensory ligament tears is heartbreaking. Yes, those horses are given very good care, but that does not make up for such strenuous work when their tendons, ligaments, and bones are developing. I just feel it is unethical. Buy this shirt:  Quiet I’m keeping score sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

It’s all fun and games until a redhead gets angry sweater

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I wonder if our kids would have It’s all fun and games until a redhead gets angry sweater? My grandpa got red hair when he got older but was born a brunette. Yet you got some red in your beard. It means they dodged a bullet from forever being identified as a child of The Beast. Relax, it’s a joke. Unless you’re a redhead, then it means you’re a demon. Um, not all of those guys have red beards, some actually just have light brown beards! Get your picture references right Business Insider! It pisses me off when guys think they have red hair, but they actually just have light brown hair. If there is not a red/orange tint, it’s not red hair! Buy this shirt:  It’s all fun and games until a redhead gets angry sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Grinch I try to be good but I take after my grandma sweater

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Jim Carrey’s Grinch was Grinch I try to be good but I take after my grandma sweater, full of extreme hate, and sadness making you hate and love him at the same time. This. Whoever decided that this man would voice the voice of the Grinch should be fired immediately on the spot..no one ever in the ever could replace Jim Carrey! aside from the excitement to see this movie, no one can beat Jim Carey!! However, this thread has me dying!!! I’m torn, I want more than anything for Jim Carey to voice the Grinch, however, Blunderbuss Cucumber has an incredible voice we’ll just have to wait and see. whoever decided this dude should voice the Grinch needs to be fired immediately. When the minion spoke it sounded like Japanese for hello everyone. Was lowkey confused? Buy this shirt:  Grinch I try to be good but I take after my grandma sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Red truck Merry Christmas Y’all sweater

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Sound like good show’ there a Red truck Merry Christmas Y’all sweater? we have bell starlight so we don’t have the hallmark station were else can we see. Can you help? A guy here that likes holiday football and these sappy movies come and I watch almost all and probably lose a pint or so of eye water. I love to watch them criticize how terrible they are. Every year there are 1 or 2 that actually hit a spot and bring tears to my eyes. It’s really nice how much you appreciate your current customers. If we wanted to upgrade we had to pay full price on your phones, even on Cyber Monday, but new customers get half off. Everything has sucked about cricket including the service since you took over, AT&T. I wish they would have never sold it to you. Buy this shirt:  Red truck Merry Christmas Y’all sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Platypus Christmas sweater

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Platypus is a Platypus Christmas sweater animal of combined characteristics and traits of bird, mammal, and reptile. Notice the food that this strange creature feeds on. Insects, larvae, shellfish, and worms in the water using an electric charge of the duck-billed mouth. From the bands of the genetic genome, this strange creature does evolve over time and from the food they eat. They are of what today. No such thing as a venomous egg-laying platypus. The males are venomous and don’t lay eggs. The females lay eggs but have no venomous barb. So you see, it’s one or the other but not both. The other bizarre Aussie animal is the echidna. It lays an egg, puts the egg in its pouch before hatching. Buy this shirt:  Platypus Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Christmas champagne wine glass Santa hat diamond sweater

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If the Christmas champagne wine glass Santa hat diamond sweater was in any pain/stress they would be fighting back or running away- my cat literally threw the Santa hat I put on her, she wanted antlers obviously. The look on the cat’s face – “Bloody hell, Christmas time again and she’s going to wrap me up like a bonbon. If I just lay there like a log at least it will be over and done with soon”. How do people find these cats that are this patient? My cat would have scratched me to pieces before I even started. I feel this is a very misleading video of how a cat would react to being wrapped. Lmao, but try it out and take vids for me. How the hell is this animal abuse? Is she hitting the cat? Is she doing anything to harm him? Buy this shirt:  Christmas champagne wine glass Santa hat diamond sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

All I want for Christmas is you wine sweater

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Never met any cat that All I want for Christmas is  you  wine sweater be willing to be wrapped up in the paper unless they love their owners. It’s a joke guy. If the cat wasn’t enjoying it, he/she would have made a fuss. He obviously loves doing this! He walked down onto the paper and settled in on his own. All of you complaining obviously don’t have a cat. They love doing goofy things. Makes their day interesting! Years ago we had a 16 lb, not an overweight BIG cat. He’d carry his favorite doll jackets to our daughter so she would dress him up and parade him down the sidewalk in a doll carriage. He’d sit there like a King surveying his loyal subjects. The neighbors all loved him, too and he knew it. Buy this shirt:  All I want for Christmas is  you  wine sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Santa Elf reindeer floss like a boss sweater

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Truly I do but this Santa Elf reindeer floss like a boss sweater my heart and I am grateful that he took care of those people. Sometimes it’s good to hear there are people like him left in this world. For me, he has spread hope. Someone could afford to pay for someone else’s things and leave. There isn’t anyone who has time to drive/ walk to a Walmart to pay for someone else randomly. I know the meaning of Christmas come to Walmart to get what you want they have layaway! Couldn’t ask for a better promotion for the holidays that haven’t even started. Beautiful God bless him and darn you CBS let him stay anonymous! Let us have a bit of magic and beauty! Wish that was me. Having such a hard time. Need a washer and dryer.septic line. Buy this shirt:  Santa Elf reindeer floss like a boss sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dear Santa my sister did it sweater

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Look like Montana don’t remember exactly the Dear Santa my sister did it sweater of that small town I was driving to. It looks something similar. When you go through the trees when they are like this it is the most peaceful feeling. I’ve never seen trees completely draped in the snow like nothing but literally snow. I miss this kind of winters. You would think to live in Alaska we would have this kind of snow. Nope. It’s awesome and so beautiful and breathtaking love to be driving along and see all the snow like a wonderland. Don’t publish his picture! The amazing thing about showing this kindness is that if no one knows what he looks like, they get to look at every single person they see as maybe that guy who did that thing that’s priceless. Buy this shirt:  Dear Santa my sister did it  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Red truck wine Christmas sweater

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My issue is that I put the Red truck wine Christmas sweater under the tree on the 1st of December. So by the time, it’s Christmas, the damn thing has died. For anyone saying this is cruel or mean – All three of my cats literally just sit on my wrapping paper every damn time it’s out and would totally allow me to do this. They’re asking for it, really. That is funny I’ve never seen an animal just sit there and take it it’s quite happy to sit there and be wrapped up like a Christmas bloody freaking parcel. Stop with the animal abuse crap. She obviously knew her cat would be just fine work what she was doing. Normally that would be so mean but that cat truly gives no shits and this is totally funny. So all you haters loosen up. If the cat hated it she would have stopped and not posted it. Buy this shirt:  Red truck wine Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dear Santa I can explain Christmas sweater

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When people say I’m so sorry to hear that Dear Santa I can explain Christmas sweater or so sorry for your loss it sounds like they are admitting that it was them. Why not just say things like sorry to hear or so sorry to hear about your loss that way it sounds like a bequest way to them that you have meaning behind your words for their family and not so it’s like you have done it.  Its  a great tree. Probably the greatest Christmas tree there’s ever been. We are going to have the best Christmas ever. The greatest. Huge. Much better than ever before. This is the most tree like the tree of all the trees. If anyone knows about trees, it’s me trust me. I know about trees and all the tree things that trees both are and do. Buy this shirt:  Dear Santa I can explain Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Tree Rex dinosaur Christmas tree lights sweater

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So a house can burn down in a Tree Rex dinosaur Christmas tree lights sweater, but when I try to light a bonfire it takes 2 gallons of petrol 5 newspapers and a whole load of swearing. Why are so many people finding it so amusing to make stupid remarks when lives are lost because of this. This is why, once I set the tree up with the lights on and everything, I throw a bucket of water over it every 3-4 hours. My house burnt down Christmas night. A light popped and set it off. The whole house burnt down. I hate it that so many trees die just so people can decorate it for a few weeks and then throw it away. If they swept the floor there wouldn’t be a problem. This also wouldn’t have happened if the room had a gun. Buy this shirt:  Tree Rex dinosaur Christmas tree lights sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Teacher of smart cookies sweater

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Cookie season is Teacher of smart cookies sweater!!! You can choose to have delivered right to your door or have Molly deliver it to you For those that want girl delivery, let me know so I can email you a different link, and we will have cookies the first week of December. You gotta be careful around everyone these days. I was walking down the street yesterday and a guy walked towards me and pulled out scissors. I’m so happy I was agile enough to reach into my pocket and pull out a rock. Cus if I had pulled out paper, shit, I would have lost. This is beautiful, but every time I see such a vid, I can’t help but wonder about the hygiene side of it nails are so full of bacteria, even when hands are washed and the topping resting on a tabletop it’s art, true, but is it truly a good thing to eat? Buy this shirt:  Teacher of smart cookies sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Santa don’t stop believin’ sweater

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I worked at Wal-Mart in Santa don’t stop believin’ sweater for 5 years. Not that unusual. Wal-Mart is set up to take good Samaritan payments. A lot of very generous folks during the holidays. It was awesome when a person would come to make a layaway payment only to discover it was paid in full. Awesome. I work at Walmart and have watched this guy do his thing every year since the store opened. My heart is just overwhelmed with happiness to see the faces on the people he helps. I got this idea from someone years back and for the last few years I’ve paid off someone’s layaway. I always say Do nice things when no one is watching. Buy this shirt:  Santa  don’t  stop believin’ sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Game of Thrones Santa Christmas is coming sweater

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Our three-year-old golden LuLu. She has Game of Thrones Santa Christmas is coming sweater as our toddler calls them. LuLu was born with some issues and had to have her eyes removed and cleft pallet repaired. Still think she’s the cutest golden we’ve ever seen I swear she can see, hasn’t stopped her from getting into mischief! My Bailey with her brother and sister. Golden also has bad hips. My poor girl has both ACLs replaced and arthritis. She still manages to make it up the stairs to bed just to be near me. We got her this past may She ran away from her own will had cancer. We eventually found her owner and offered to babysit while she fights her battle. She ended up passing away about a month later. Her kids ended up deciding it was best if Colby stayed with us. I can’t tell you how grateful and lucky I feel to have this pup in my life. Buy this shirt:  Game of Thrones Santa Christmas is coming sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch West Virginia vs Oklahoma Sooners Iowa State Texas Longhorns sweater

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They are just adding more back detail to this The Grinch West Virginia vs Oklahoma Sooners Iowa  State Texas  Longhorns sweater the other two are very basic in the storyline. This helps bring out who the Grinch was a green man than the others. Kids will love it. Y’all alright the point of a remake is to…remake it. It’s not going to be exactly the same as the Jim Carrey version, just like that version isn’t the same as the book! Play with a different concept, a different style, a different interpretation. The Jim Carrey version is not the end all be all, it was wonderful, yes but let people be creative and stop all the elitist negativity going around. Brumpledurp Crumblestarch is playing the Grinch? I had no idea that Brokemydoor Cocaine both was doing that. Why did Brahmabull Cummerbund audition for that role? I hope Bendandlick Cucumberpatch does well. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch West Virginia vs Oklahoma Sooners Iowa  State Texas  Longhorns sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Michigan Wolverines vs Penn State Nittany Lions Ohio State Buckeyes Michigan State Spartans sweater

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So you have The Grinch Michigan Wolverines vs Penn State Nittany Lions Ohio State Buckeyes Michigan State Spartans sweater film with a 10/10 cast, insane art direction and props, appropriate soundtrack, fantastic acting, great editing and grade, good direction, decent enough writing and humor and now a trailer where the character wakes up to the most annoying song ever made and groans to get out of bed. looks FKN GREAT top job please never stop making these films hope there are heaps of fart jokes surprised there isn’t one in the trailer tbh but Im sure this will go down in history as the best film ever made. Wow, that was the worst trailer ever. There was no need to touch this movie. Jim Carey is and shall forever be the only good Grinch! Don’t get me wrong Butternut Crumpet is a good actor but no. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Michigan Wolverines vs Penn State Nittany Lions Ohio State Buckeyes Michigan State Spartans sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Oregon State Beavers vs Washington Huskies Stanford Cardinal Oregon Ducks sweater

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So many The Grinch Oregon State Beavers vs Washington Huskies Stanford Cardinal Oregon Ducks sweater, my family pulled a similar trick on me at Christmas, did I find it funny after? Yes. Did I have to have therapy? No. Am I scarred for life? No! For god’s sake people, learn to laugh. I dont think that was funny at all the poor boy sounded like he was weeks in and he could have had an asthma attack. Not funny at all. I don’t find it the slightest bit entertaining to upset a child to that extent, especially at Christmas time. Plot twist the Grinch pulls at gat and stills the kid’s life, the kid not knowing that his life was a gift and used presents as an excuse to get away from the pain his father had caused him. That Grinch looks like he wants you to drop and give him 20 burpees and yell “Merry Xmas sarge” before you get your gifts back. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Oregon State Beavers vs Washington Huskies Stanford Cardinal Oregon Ducks sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Georgia Bulldogs vs Tennessee Volunteers Florida Gators Kentucky Wildcats sweater

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Poor child, it’s only funny for a The Grinch Georgia Bulldogs vs Tennessee Volunteers Florida Gators Kentucky Wildcats sweater or 2 and no one offers the poor kid a hug just standing there laughing or walking away. The video lasts about 5 seconds so they probably did give him a cuddle after they stopped filming. Then the adults will say “it’s not real, he’s just a man in costume” and they go on with their lives. Big fucking deal. Your kids definitely sleep in bubble wrap. Feel sorry for them, all their friends will rip the fuck out of them for having such pussies of parents. The vid lasts for a few seconds so we have no idea what happens! It was probs turned off so quickly bcuz it backfired and they went to comfort the boy. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Georgia Bulldogs vs Tennessee Volunteers Florida Gators Kentucky Wildcats sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Washington Huskies vs Stanford Cardinal Oregon Ducks California Golden Bears sweater

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I am a The Grinch Washington Huskies vs Stanford Cardinal Oregon Ducks California Golden Bears sweater. Fan and will watch this but by the trailer. I don’t think I will like it. I love the original cartoon and I do love the Jim Carrey movie. My son is going to be so excited! How The Grinch Stole Christmas is his favorite book. And animated with the same creators as secret life of pets and Lorax…he’s gonna be through the moon! Not sure how I feel about this. I love the original cartoon and Jim Carey’s. I love Despicable Me. Just not sure I’m ready for combining the two concepts. Graycen said to be sure to tell you about this so you two can go see it! I told her I want to come to this one also. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Washington Huskies vs Stanford Cardinal Oregon Ducks California Golden Bears sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Louisville Cardinals vs Florida State Seminoles Clemson Tigers Syracuse Orange sweater

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You know it’s gon be a The Grinch Louisville Cardinals vs Florida State Seminoles Clemson Tigers Syracuse Orange sweater one when you see illumination. And they have already re-used. Happy hahaha jokes aside there are some decent ideas. And environments so far and although I’m not the biggest fan of illumination. I’d like to give this one the benefit of the doubt. Jim Carrey is the Grinch stealing Christmas. Was just about the only thing I could accept as an adaptation from the books. All the bad deeds this animated Grinch has done so far has made me not only want to punch him but every single designer, story writer, and animator in the face. To be honest, I know that Illumination has made very bad movies over the years and the only one thing I have to blame for is the writers yes, they made really awful story ideas when it comes to production. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Louisville Cardinals vs Florida State Seminoles Clemson Tigers Syracuse Orange sweater From:  https://sweatshirt

The Grinch Clemson Tigers vs Florida State Seminoles Louisville Cardinals Syracuse Orange sweater

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Not sure if it’ll be better than The Grinch Clemson Tigers vs Florida State Seminoles Louisville Cardinals Syracuse Orange sweater, but I’ll still probably watch it. Hopefully, there aren’t any songs in it. That was the only shit bit about the other one. Remember when the original version of this used to creep us out. They’d always play it in the kid’s room at Warragul doctors. Well, I could tell straight off the bat, this movie was made by “illumination”. Cause the Grinch looks just like the Lorax, only green. why ruin a good movie. This looks like a crock of absolute watery diarrhea shit movie! How embarrassing for this film label. not sure about this one but the opening with the alarm clock is totally us in the morning. Particularly with that song! I really want to see this but can’t wait this long. You know how I feel with kids films. Why must they taunt me? Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Clemson Tigers vs Florida State Seminoles Louisville Cardinals Syracuse Orange sweater From: 

The Grinch Michigan State Spartans vs Michigan Wolverines Ohio State Buckeyes Penn State Nittany Lions sweater

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It looks good! I would watch The Grinch Michigan State Spartans vs Michigan Wolverines Ohio State Buckeyes Penn State Nittany Lions sweater. However, I do agree no one does it like Jim Carrey! And of course, I’m partial to the original Grinch Animated Christmas special. But still looks good!! I LOVE the Grinch. Out of curiosity, was the Grinch’s voice ever described as deep & menacing in the original material, or do people only expect it to be deep because of Boris Karloff’s narration in the 1966 animation? Because I sort of thought his vocals could be left up to the artist’s interpretation? That being said, when you hear Benedict will voice a character, you expect something equivalent to Smaug, but maybe he wanted to try something different? I think it should be given a chance! It’s not a remake of the movie, it’s an adaptation of the book. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Michigan State Spartans vs Michigan Wolverines Ohio State Buckeyes Penn State Nittany Lions sweater From:  http

The Grinch Nebraska Cornhuskers vs Illinois Fighting Illini Iowa Hawkeyes Purdue Boilermakers sweater

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The fact that this The Grinch Nebraska Cornhuskers vs Illinois Fighting Illini Iowa Hawkeyes Purdue Boilermakers sweater with a minion immediately made. This the worst Grinch movie ever. Why does everyone have mean things to say just be grateful the the Grinch, possibly the greatest movies ever made, though it may be better in the old version, even though I can literally say every line in the movie and I think I could literally be the Grinch if I ever felt like it, at least it gets a revamp so let’s just hold back the terrible comments until after it’s actually coming, like seriously Jesus Christ the world sucks. Didn’t expect the Grinch to be so clean wait why are we making another Grinch movie? We have a perfectly good one. If illumination wants in on Dr. Suess I bet Green Eggs and Ham would suit them well. It’s bubble watch clipboard!! And he’s finally a green cucumber 😂 also the karma at the end of this made me lol a bit hard. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Nebraska Cornhuskers vs

The Grinch Arizona State Sun Devils vs USC Trojans Arizona Wildcats Colorado Buffaloes sweater

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Ahhh, I don’t think so, I didn’t see one mean bone in that The Grinch Arizona State Sun Devils vs USC Trojans Arizona Wildcats Colorado Buffaloes sweater might be good for my kids but definitely doesn’t seem like the Grinch Dr. Seuss wrote about! I know what I’m gonna do in December. Watch the original with Boris Karloff again. Because that’s the best version of the story. It was made by the legendary Chuck Jones. Though it’ll feel weird hearing Sherlock Holmes/ Dr. Stephen Strange voice The Grinch, and I’m more used to Karloff voicing the guy and Jim Carry playing the guy in live-action, and why couldn’t we just get an animated film based on that one Halloween special or the crossover with the Cat in the Hat. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Arizona State Sun Devils vs USC Trojans Arizona Wildcats Colorado Buffaloes sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Happy Birthday sweet little 8 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus sweater

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This Happy Birthday sweet little 8  pound   6 ounce  baby Jesus sweater breastfeeds eight baby hedgehogs and is branded a hero. I breastfeed one and I’m called a public menace. Double standards. Teenage mutant ninja hedgehogs won’t have the same ring to it sadly. She had never had babies before them and now she’s prego anyone need a kitten. Yes, it happens when I was a kid one of our cats came into milk to feed the kittens of a mum cat who passed over the bridge. That must have hurt that poor cat to give birth to all them spikey things. Did she have kittens then? To be able to wet nurse I mean? If so where are they? This is so damned adorable! That beautiful and loving kitty and all the tiny little spikey kitties. Buy this shirt:  Happy Birthday sweet little 8  pound   6 ounce  baby Jesus sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Hallelujah holy shit where’s the Tylenol sweater

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Christ was not sent to die for the Hallelujah holy shit where’s the Tylenol sweater, but the filthy sinner which includes all of us at some point in our lives! But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God doesn’t just want to recruit servants, but to call us as Sons and therefore heirs of Christ. He wants us to be a part of his own family. How precious also are thy thoughts unto megod! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand when I awake, I am still with thee. I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. First Round Broadcast Plans For Sportsnet. Buy this shirt:  Hallelujah holy shit where’s the Tylenol sweater   From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Merry winemas sweater

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It’s more fun to build it yourself. Did the Merry winemas sweater one 3 years ago. And the x-mas tree version last year. The best Christmas I ever had is when I took my young son out to cut a small tree down and decorated the old fashioned way with strung popcorn and sentimental ornaments. It’s great for those who are into technology, don’t have kids, teens/early 20’s just starting out etc etc. I’m 27 and I would love that I think it’s cool my 6 years old would love it too but I already have a lovely white fiber optic tree and it’s decorated with tinsel and both nice fancy or ornaments and specialized ones with a very glittery fairy at the top that she made herself! Buy this shirt:  Merry winemas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Merry Christmas shitter’s full sweater

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Christmas in New York sadly isn’t what it used to Merry Christmas shitter’s full sweater. I lived there for ten years. New York needs to be cleaned up- it’s filthy now and homeless people are everyone. Bring back, Rudy! NYC is back to the Dinkin’s days.  I don’t think we are going to make it see the tree. We made a stop for Sam this morning so I will definitely have to make it another time. That’s me since the beginning of December this is the only thing I’m talking about xd I have a Christmas t-shirt and Santa Claus hat. I was the only.one in the office so excited about decorating Christmas tree I pack my suitcase on Sunday, though I go home for Christmas on Friday. Buy this shirt:  Merry Christmas shitter’s full sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Here comes Santa floss sweater

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You will grow stronger and Here comes Santa floss sweater each day! Have your ears on for your teachers. They work hard to help you learn! We have had a tremendous response since our Facebook page was launched. Thanks to each of you for your likes and shares! Visiting with you through the months of November and December is going to be so much fun! We look forward to seeing each of your beautiful smiles. With so many toys to be made everyone must be on their toes. Part of my job is making sure Santa and the elves eat and sleep when they need to. Sometimes they are so busy in the workshops and with daylight hours long as they are at the North Pole it’s difficult to get them in for dinner and bedtime. They are such a busy crew! Buy this shirt:  Here comes Santa floss sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Darth Vader I find your lack of cheer disturbing Christmas sweater

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Nice!!! the capacity to Darth Vader I find your lack of cheer disturbing Christmas sweater, emotion. The music is life and can change your humor and much more other…i’m not a musician, can’t be a good singer, I can listen and it’s ok. More of these videos Anna for sure, great display of skill. I understand balance as a player and all, but you just are capable of more than just fun bass grooves. Your skills rule utilize them more like in this video! Great playing, agree it doesn’t matter what style, if you like the music at the moment then play it. Sweet! Love the way your hands flawlessly navigated the fretboard. Looks like a lot of fun to play. Very nice demo, delicate style. Not a fan of the base color but I would buy that in red any day of the week. Buy this shirt:  Darth Vader I find your lack of cheer disturbing Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Son of a nutcracker sweater

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D’you know, what amazes me most of Son of a nutcracker sweater, how any sane person in the 21st century can actually follow any religion. After all, they are ALL man-made and in pursuit of power and control, as ever. Such a primitive idea. We all as adults know what’s right and what is wrong, and that’s all that’s necessary to know and live by. Sounds very familiar to the movie Philomena starring Judy Dench great actress, a great film based on true story of an Irish woman searching for her son. Again, the Catholic nuns were huge liars. It’s really the grandparent’s fault for not allowing a 20-year-old to bring her baby home in 1961. I’m so glad they have found each other again now, and yes some Catholic nuns were terrible. Buy this shirt:  Son of a nutcracker sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Backwoods Christmas sweater

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She’s standing like Backwoods Christmas sweater. Dressed like a hooker. Using her body to get attention. Ugh. Why ladies? We can’t ask for better when we act like this come on girls. This is why a woman isn’t taken seriously often enough, no need to show your fake tits and use camera tricks if the weapon is a quality piece she could do a much better job selling it by being informed and informing us. Would be more impressed with an actual butterfly knife. But hey, when you are a chick, even twirling will get you a pass. It called don’t do stupid shit with a sharp knife like she was doing. It accomplishes nothing but slice and dice on your own self. I mean she ‘Freaked’ at the sight of blood lol and very little at that lol not a genuine outdoorsy girl! Fake. Buy this shirt:  Backwoods Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dabbing Santa Christmas sweater

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Not quite your name but the Dabbing Santa Christmas sweater can be shortened to your name so close enough for me and the fact that Mia and Alyssa both get a mention as well has me worried. No sorry, we do not have enough space currently but hoping to extend the cafe next year so we will be able to our tea with the elves again. To pre-book please come to see a member of staff at our till area and they can sort tickets for you. I’d invest that money in property. Something that doesn’t fade away with time. You can buy apartments/houses and rent them out. It’s always good to buy around college’s cos students always need accommodation. Not everyone in music will last long enough to make enough money for their children to have a good future. Buy this shirt:  Dabbing Santa Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Obama all I want for Xmas sweater

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How the Obama all I want for Xmas sweater went from this wonderful, intelligent, compassionate couple to Trump I will never understand. However, reading some of the comments here, perhaps I do. Racism is so ugly whether it is here or in the US. Classless like I always thought. If she and her husband are not the centers of attention they pout. They both were extremely rude to President-elect Trump and Mrs. Trump. Shame on them. Consider the source dumpster people. Trump’s endorsement and promotion of the birther conspiracy was an early hint that he was unfit to be President. Perfectly understandable. No one should forgive him for putting the US, her neighbors  and  the world in danger. Buy this shirt:  Obama all I want for Xmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/