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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2019

Vintage allegedly ostrich sweater

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The Vintage allegedly ostrich sweater. I noticed there  wasn’t  as many eggs in the salad as in the rack. Probably still trying to get all of it cleaned out. Don’t use a glue nozzle it’s toxic even clean. Use old sauce or honey nozzles. Seriously who comes up with this stuff. Some good suggestions! But wouldn’t use a glue top tho. And what are the odds a cookie cutter exactly fits the corn  cob.  That type of cutter usually comes in a pack of ten or so all of varying sizes. Buy this shirt:  Vintage allegedly ostrich sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I never dreamed that one day I’d become a grumpy old librarian sweater

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Been watching so many vegan videos, at the I never dreamed that one day I’d become a grumpy old librarian sweater. The egg thing works much neater if you push the egg through over a bowl instead of  shove  the rack over all of them. If you wanted more egg salad-style cubes. I feel like if I squished eggs like that, I would end up just making a huge mess or fucking it up  some how  and just launch egg out from under the rack. We didn’t know this the day we broke the bottle opener just in case it happens again though watch and learn. Buy this shirt:  I never dreamed that one day I’d become a grumpy old librarian sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

You love me and you’ve seen me and you know me I’m old Gregg sweater

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That idea with the jam jar and the You love me and you’ve seen me and you know me I’m old Gregg sweater. I know I wasn’t the only one who noticed that they tighten the lid first then tried to open it, and instead of continuing to open with their hand decided to get the duct tape. I liked the opening the jar if the person opened it the right way  first  time instead of tightening it  even more  you wouldn’t need that stupid piece of tape to open it. I’m sitting here like “wow some good ideas” then came to the comments section to find all you guys here just spitting on the ideas. People find this cute? I felt bad for the puppies with all the yelling and screaming. Buy this shirt:  You love me and you’ve seen me and you know me I’m old Gregg sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Penguin happy Patrick’s day sweater

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I’m really tagging you for the Penguin happy Patrick’s day sweater. I  wouldnt  wait through the ad though. You do realize you can just snip the corner off the bag for the icing? Most of these seem to just make more work and clean up. The corkscrew one reminds me of the time you were trying to open the wine with a pen and my keys. Some of these ideas while clever are too messy for me lmao  especially  with the d.i.y. salad spinner flinging water  urywhere  and the battle royale between the rotisserie chicken and the hand mixer in a glass bowl of all things. Buy this shirt:  Penguin happy Patrick’s day  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

My dog thinks I’m perfect who cares what anyone else thinks sweater

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Americans are loud and My dog thinks I’m perfect who cares what anyone else thinks sweater. Shugs Begum that’s why Great Britain is such a world leader in science technology and innovation. Amy Tezza I’ll just leave this here for you to read if you want to talk about science and technology. And that’s just Scotland’s contribution to the modern world, not Great Britain. You can thank us later. Shugs Begum Brit kids are brats like the rest of the world trust me  y’all  don’t get away  y’all  just send your kids away tho. Buy this shirt:  My dog thinks I’m perfect who cares what anyone else thinks  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Soft Pika warm Pika charging up anew happy Pika sweater

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Some of the Soft Pika warm Pika charging up  anew  happy Pika sweater and definitely show a superiority complex. But also why do Americans always think power is relevant? Why do you care how powerful your country is? To many people across Europe, and I’m sure to some grounded Americans too, this seems bizarre. General happiness, equal opportunities, lack of corruption and lack of poverty are things to proud of. Power is not. Joe  Shaw  I agree, and I am an American. Those who are brutish just manage to get more attention. Buy this shirt:  Soft Pika warm Pika charging up  anew  happy Pika sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Hat Read everyday sweater

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It’s just 40 secs guys, I’m sure after that Hat Read everyday sweater. And mom dogs sometimes leave puppies alone for a bit longer than 40 secs, they know that the puppies are safe. Watch “Too Cute” and you’ll see. It’s just a picture  guys ! Maybe 5 minutes out of their lives! It’s cute get over it! Didn’t hurt anyone but you all that need to get a life. I’m sure this looks cute to some, but puppies can’t regulate their body temp all that well and need to be in a pile with their siblings and mama to stay warm. Buy this shirt:  Hat Read everyday sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Pi cycle it just keeps going and going and going sweater

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I love animals more than most people but c’mon!! It’s a Pi cycle it just keeps going and going and going sweater on words and I’m sure they were put back with mom right after video. Puppies cannot regulate their own temperatures – 2 of them are shivering in this video! They should be with mum, each other or under something heated at all times! Which I don’t think is a facility built into McDonald’s Fries packaging yet. I feel you need to see this that boy of yours can get the boxes, right? Now to find the puppies! Buy this shirt:  Pi cycle it just keeps going and going and going sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Peanuts happiness is baseball season sweater

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Eva Maria Krebs are you  serious ?  My Peanuts happiness is baseball season  sweatern  and toys and my puppy STILL destroys my stuff . Especially if they are teething they’ll chew whatever they can. Don’t understand how this is “cute”, hardly animal abuse but still, anything for likes, those pups are so young shouldn’t be put in boxes like this, whoever filmed it is an attention seeking knob. This is why I hate reading comments it’s a damn pic of cute pups!! I’m sure they are safe with their mom now!!! You act like they were serving them to cannibals. For the love of God people!!!!! Stop being so damn sensitive. Buy this shirt:  Peanuts happiness is baseball season sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

In case of accident my blood type is Guinness sweater

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There always has to be that In case of  accident  my blood type is Guinness  sweater  the  video always has to find something wrong with it. Chill out. What should we do when our dogs do bad things just let him do it over and over and over again no you teach them. You clearly know absolutely fuck all about dogs and their  behaviour . Maybe sometimes that would be the case but other times they just get excited over something and want to chew it up. My dog has loads of toys and  i’m  with him most of the time. Buy this shirt:  In case of  accident  my blood type is Guinness sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

My mama said you can’t hold me until you wash your hands sweater

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Robert Steadward earliest entry on My mama said you can’t hold me until you wash your  hands  sweater. Most likely a  russian  troll trying to keep trumps base supporters uneducated & worked up Into a frenzy with baseless comments. Treva Marie Mahmoud they were sent over illegally as children by their parent’s who knew exactly what they were doing.  No  they did not do it the right way and they know it. People are sick of it. Donald  Bullinger  I bet they got free college  didn’t  they? Where does that money come from?? And THAT is something you will not get from the  main stream  biased media including CNN. Buy this shirt:  My mama said you can’t hold me until you wash your  hands  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

My trucker husband thinks I’m freaking crazy sweater

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Your  grand parents  weren’t illegal if the My trucker husband thinks I’m freaking crazy sweater. They had to have a sponsor to come here and a job to go through the legal process. They went to classes and became citizens. Maybe your grandparents should tell  you  the process they went  though  to become citizens so that you can educate your self on how much they had to go through. That was many years ago, the road to citizenship is now a lot more difficult. These young immigrants made the first step to becoming citizens by being part of DACA. Buy this shirt:  My trucker husband thinks I’m freaking crazy sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Rambo All he wanted was something to eat sweater

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If the Rambo All he wanted was something to eat sweater. Ellis Island was accepting everyone who was healthy. Dreamers had no choice just like when you all  where  kids and had few choices as your parents made the call. The Dreamers need protection; give them citizenship. You do realize that most people that went through Ellis Island we illegals and never filled out a form. Joan Bach Sarchioto It’s not thousands and thousands of dollars..the application fee and getting set up on the docket is 600 bucks. Buy this shirt:  Rambo All he wanted was something to eat sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Nurse Beauty and the beast sweater

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Barbette Jenson, they do the Nurse Beauty and the beast sweater. They are citizens of what country they were born in. Since as you say they have no path to citizenship here. They are here illegally, does not matter who brought them. Many immigrants have a real love of America and love to assimilate, its the way it should be. Muslims will not assimilate. Jim Trumbly That is true when my Great. grandparents came through they didn’t have to fill out any paperwork. For one they weren’t sure how to read or write and they came from another country. Buy this shirt:  Nurse Beauty and the beast sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Fyre festival failure music JA Rule vintage faded joke sweater

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Bill  Pollanger  We have a Fyre festival failure music JA Rule vintage faded joke sweater and they just got together before they knew it a little town grew up there’s one up in Michigan is call Frankfurt And the houses are so beautiful it looks just like in Germany but they  alll  speak terrific English they have the touch of German housing the way the architect is done which makes it amusing and makes it different and you love to visit the little community but they’re all a 100% Americans. Buy this shirt:  Fyre festival failure music JA Rule vintage faded joke sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Elephant I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine sweater

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They were immigrants. Illegal trespassers are those that Elephant I’m a happy go lucky ray of  fucking  sunshine sweater. If an alien is vetted Ellis Island style and pass muster with ICE I welcome them. Brenda Flores same with my Polish grandparents, 1800s, Ellis  island ,, to Buffalo, opened a store, sold groceries, toys, etc. my mom was poor, Polish, yet she went to college, even Cornell u. For masters, no help from anyone, no freebies. I think the DACA people need to find out where Obama lives and go protest to him. He’s the one that caused this mess. And it was illegal. I know several that have become legal citizens. Buy this shirt:  Elephant I’m a happy go lucky ray of  fucking  sunshine sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Sloth slow down sweater

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If its Sloth  slow  down sweater, why do they still come? I am NOT in the top 1% either, but somehow I work and support myself. Your Grandparents were legal immigrants, not illegals. Big big difference! Doesn’t sound easy as you put it. Fine your grandparents came and  was  given citizenship right there. There are people that are going to the process of getting  there  things straight but sometimes the government makes mistake and takes too long and then you notice that some of your kids are aging out and might not qualify. I understand rules are rules but sometimes it’s okay to let it go and help those who  needs  help. Buy this shirt:  Sloth slow down sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Saints We were Robbed sweater

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Obama tried to pass immigration bills and Saints We were Robbed sweater. This is the only home they know. I’ll bet everyone on here is a descendant of an immigrant. So you hate them because they are from Mexico, not Europe or because Trump calls them ugly names? Lesley Marie so u are saying there are over 400,000 here illegally? that is the problem. Victoria Troyan Zajack you are assuming a lot from people you don’t even know. Buy this shirt:  Saints We were Robbed sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Treat people with kindness sweater

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Mine went through legal immigration too except for the ones that Treat people with kindness sweater. I think that was legal too since the King granted them a charter to start a new colony. The Fed had revenue sharing with the States to share the tax surpluses. Nixon ended that. Reagan shifted from the middle class to the upper class that has resulted in the greatest income inequality since the  Guilded  Age. If they went through Ellis Island, they were immigrants, but they were not illegals. They did it right. Buy this shirt:  Treat people with kindness sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Los Angeles Scams sweater

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Stephanie  Carrión  They  weren’t granted  citizenship right the Los Angeles Scams sweater, there became legal residents and then had to go through essentially the same process as always to become citizens, learn English take classes and pass a test. They also had to take an oath and sign a document under oath that they were no longer loyal to their former country. Casey  Rodriguez  I would think that anyone in that situation, should be very vocal in their own country, and warn them not to illegally cross into the United States, and put their  chiildren  through all of the turmoil. Buy this shirt:  Los Angeles Scams sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Super bowl McCourty bros sweater

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You must thank our zoo ntr for the Super bowl McCourty bros sweater. Or else, your movie will end up being a disaster. Whole Franchise has always been my  favourite , And your Hard work is clearly seen in this one too. I’m gonna watch it for the first show. This time Ethan Hunt is going to give James Bond and Her majestic secret service a real hard time. Happy to have been part of the making of this. This franchise just gets better and better! Cannot wait to see this. Action all the way, I think I may have to cruise on down to the cinema for this.. tom cruise looks in fab physical shape. Buy this shirt:  Super bowl McCourty bros sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Big mouth flying banana sweater

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There is no point to compare actors and then use slangs and Big mouth flying banana sweater. Everyone has their own place for their fans so respect others and enjoy life. If Scientology did deliver what it promises, or even a tenth of what it promises, it would be the overwhelmingly dominant power on Earth today, Palter wrote. It would replace all government and all other religions. It would run everything. We would all be Scientologists. I would not be writing this essay. The truth of Scientology would be obvious to everybody, and no sane person would question it for a moment. Buy this shirt:  Big mouth flying banana sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you hurt my Dachshund I kill you sweater

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In the end, David Miscavige congratulates Tom Cruise and You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you hurt my Dachshund I kill  you  sweater. My favorite actor is coming back to crack the mission. To make possible work from impossible. The goosebump trailer is out now. Seems a perfect upped from Roque! This guy Tom Cruise will never give in action stunts to age as long as the camera keeps rolling and we can’t stop watching him do his thing. This would be first show watching movie. And if u know henry cavil and tom are first time together onscreen. I think the god took 365 days to make this fancy man and omg his acting. Buy this shirt:  You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you hurt my Dachshund I kill you sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

My job is real my smile is fake the bitchy waiter sweater

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The song from the My job is real my smile is fake the bitchy waiter sweater. 1st reason is Tom cruise and 2nd reason is that song. And I’m a fan of Imagine Dragons. I would tell him that you really really love him, but you see TC and I only met and will ever meet at a theater near me. I think he knows by now, I am sure he reads the post. Mission impossible.. the movie, cast, innovative ideas, exceptional skills, beyond imagination.. Tom cruise the master class ..  short hairstyle means the story and the script is strong. Best of luck. The wait begins. Goosebumps all over my body. Buy this shirt:  My job is  real  my smile is fake the bitchy waiter sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dragonfly stay wild moon child sweater

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Tom Cruise means who gets younger day by day and Dragonfly stay wild moon child sweater. Tom Cruise means amazing stuntman and super actor. So, Ethan Hunt, your new mission is ready and all hunt fans are ready for getting amused by stunts. Thank you, Im, very much looking forward to this. The MI movies beat Bond and Bourne easily. This new one looks awesome. I am happy he finished it without a serious Life-threatening Injuries and I hope he will stop doing those extremely dangerous Stunts.H e can still hire a Professional Stunt to do the Stunt. Trailer looks awesome. Buy this shirt:  Dragonfly stay wild moon child sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Zombie my heart is yours sweater

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The man who helped that Zombie my heart is  yours  sweater. She just left after the Goat changed the target to the man who helped her. Grab that goat by the neck and bring it to the ground. And hogtie that bitch. Why isn’t anyone tackling the goat? Seriously! Take him down. We are the more empowered species in this instance. Never look them in the eye. That goes for most animals. It means your challenging them. I so want to slaughter this goat to feed its victims. All those yummy recipes that can be prepared. Buy this shirt:  Zombie my heart is  yours  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Fallout I am special sweater

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He would have been laying in the Fallout I am special sweater. I want to have some goat in our garden resort but now I’m not so sure anymore. I am not a south Indian and due to the recent haterade that has developed among the fans of these two actors has only made you people to show the level of stupidity that you people have. You people have become nothing but a pile of laughing stock and this would lead to nothing. Buy this shirt:  Fallout I am  special  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Daft Punk Around the world sweater

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From what I see, that goat/sheep is Daft Punk Around the world sweater. He just teaching them how to run and exercise cus they all fat! I was trying to find something the video that identifies it’s location and then I saw the car plate is Brazilian. Not difficult to assume it’s in the northeast of Brazil. The goat isn’t being treated kindly, so it acts before anyone can hurt it. I’d love to have a go at sitting near it and being kind to it. Maybe I am wrong but I’d have a go. We were driving home one day and our neighbor’s billygoat had pinned an unsuspecting tourist against a fence post. Buy this shirt:  Daft Punk Around the world sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball sweater

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I had a goat like that Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball sweater. Still, have him. He was bad about doing the same thing. I drew back and slapped the living shit out of him. Haven’t had a problem since. Sweetest goat you ever met. I generally take the side of the animal in  mist  given situations. But I would probably bury a knife in this assholes skull and have a bbq. You put a bullet in that bitch. Doesn’t matter. Goat nothing. Goat dead. Food for a hungry Family Reunion. Goat everything. Lil mother fucker needs to be put back in his enclosure. Buy this shirt:  Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Official Burn Bundy burn sweater

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I shouldn’t laugh but this is Official Burn Bundy burn sweater. I hope no one hurt him because of his meanness. Maybe he just wanted someone to play with. Charge it right back. A lot of time that works. Or Next, grab one ear and chin and flip he will leave ya alone after that and it won’t do damage. I’d call the cop’s first to take care of the problem if that didn’t work then I’d get my gun and shoot it the way it was bullying everyone. It looks like the mother of the baby goats was overprotective or she was angry the people did not give her anything to eat. Buy this shirt:  Official Burn Bundy burn sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Forget mama bear I’m a mama shark sweater

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I saw this the Forget mama bear I’m a mama shark sweater!! Sooo awesome. Love how well behaved the llama is but is it only me stressing at how quickly and sharply she closed the door on his butt. Yep, We did look at having a couple of these from the rescue center in PointClear but wasn’t too sure if it was a big enough garden. After seeing this I am going to change my one and only joke I know from how many elephants you can fit in a mini o how many lamas. Buy this shirt:  Forget mama bear I’m a mama shark sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Llama camping you say alpaca my bag sweater

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The alpaca had no problems getting into the Llama camping you say alpaca my bag sweater. Obviously done this many times before. It even waited its turn and then just climbed in as it did it every day. People are retarded, learn to take a fucking joke, you motherfuckers are so easily offended, come back when you’ve grown a pair. I’m Peruvian and it’s funny as haha people should take a joke and lighten up a bit but I’m actually not from Peru I’m just enjoying the funny commercials hehe I’m also a joke. Note the difference between the original Inca stonework compared to the later Spanish style in the wall in the background. Buy this shirt:  Llama camping you say alpaca my bag sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Books before boys because daddy said so sweater

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I dated a girl who had a Books before boys because daddy said so sweater. We had an open relationship, but the guy had some weird quirks. They didn’t have sex, but he loved to be extremely dominated. It was nice though, as he paid for our vacations for 3 years straight. Who would have thought that existing for the shallow enjoyment of someone you don’t have feelings for would be unpleasant? That wasn’t an open relationship. You were just fuck-buddies with a professional that. Buy this shirt:  Books before boys because daddy said so  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Harry Potter the shortening hat sweater

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Brandi St John Snyder her Harry Potter the shortening hat sweater. A friend told her she should sell it, and the only way she could is if she changed the names. Boom fifty shades of grey were born. Ramanda Waller twilight was originally twilight, fifty was masters of the universe. Twilight came to Meyer in a dream. I’ve been writing wholesome children’s stories for over 30 years and can’t get published, yet SHE writes trashy, crappy stuff and BOOM! Instant millionaire! Maybe I should switch genres? I was interested when book one was released. But when I read the cheesy 70s romance novel names. Buy this shirt:  Harry Potter the shortening hat sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Sign language zero given sweater

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This happened to my mother at Natureland at Tahuna and the Sign language zero given sweater she could find to wash her face was in the penguin paddling pool. We were hysterical. Oh, yes! I remember those days of washing my hair in Coldwater after interaction with Domino! Although this lady surely got what was coming to her. She was coming on way too aggressive for that animal. It’s karma what goes around comes around what did she expect the stupid old woman should have realized that. Buy this shirt:  Sign language zero given sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dispatcher I’ll be there for you sweater

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Kelly Lynn Thank you. It’s not conventional in this Dispatcher I’ll be there for  you  sweater, but I try. I think most lifestyles are acceptable as long as you’re honest. The biggest issue is that so much shame is attached to unconventional lifestyle choices that it encourages cheating and dishonest communication. I’ve been in strictly monogamous relationships, open relationships, and everything in between. I feel that as long as you’re open-minded and direct with how you feel, most things are possible. Just never let fear govern a decision. Buy this shirt:  Dispatcher I’ll be there for  you  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Daddy is my Valentine Elephant sweater

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I adored this Daddy is my Valentine Elephant sweater! After 7 back surgeries myself, I used to be a great dancer, still, post surgeries and with extreme back pain will bust out in dance every once in a while when no one is around it may not be as pretty as it used to be, but it does help me cope too. Dance like no one is watching (just remember to set the camera up first) Seriously, great inspiring story. Life on a farm. Nice moves! Anyone that can be sexy dancing in rubber barn boots and calm the goats has my vote!! Buy this shirt:  Daddy is my Valentine Elephant sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Ace Venture Bat shikaka sweater

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It’s fiction, not an Ace Venture Bat shikaka sweater! I view it as a love story with a little kink! I have a soft spot for the books for my own reasons but I do think research would have made better books. Debbie Wright A love story featuring rape, abuse, manipulation, gaslighting and controlling behavior. That isn’t loving or a healthy relationship. It’s amazing how much writing has changed over the years. Such as publishers publishing books that are badly written with non-existent editing. Nicole Simpson ugh don’t remind people of that. Buy this shirt:  Ace Venture Bat shikaka sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Come to the math side we have pi sweater

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Dude rocks! He can dance and Come to the math side we have  pi  sweater! Dancing breaks would make the workday much more fun! You can make the best of any situation and what a captive audience. Music is a mood changer a natural drug positive thinking love this and his choice of music. Very cute!!! Just never go see Sia in concert it’s boring. We paid a lot for our tickets and Sia stood in same spot entire concert with her big blond wig. Buy this shirt:  Come to the math side we have  pi  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dirk Verbeuren Dirk Blast sweater

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This Dirk Verbeuren Dirk Blast sweater! It hurts me in my heart, and it’s sure not envied. It’s despair and grief for the language and the lack of discernment on the part of readers. I personally don’t like her books but damn Y’all need to chill out. She wrote a story that was good enough to stand alone without amazing writing. I agree her writing isn’t that great but neither is jk Rowling’s. She couldn’t even get her second book published under a pseudonym. These people are successfully doing something they enjoy and ripping them apart because of envy is sad. Buy this shirt:  Dirk Verbeuren Dirk Blast sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees sweater

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Americans have been trained by the Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees sweater, but every worker would celebrate landing a union job. Wake up, America unions are only bad for the corporations that offer nothing but slave wages. It’s called greed, facilitated by unregulated capitalism supported by bought corrupt politicians and brain-washed workers who believe in trickle-down economics. Senator Sanders, you are right 100% but still. People will demand more details on what economic plans you have to replace the current system. And how you will make other decision-makers join you rather than stop you. Buy this shirt:  Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Ed Five standing by Eddie the head sweater

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I love Bernie, But he needs to get off the Ed Five standing by Eddie the head sweater. We know he feels this way. It’s all he talks about and understandably it is the core of a great many problems and he’s right in every way. But WTF. Why are you not talking about how half of the Republicans in the Senate are appearing by their actions and just beyond bizarre behavior in the last few congressional hearings to be involved in this Trump-Russia thing. It’s  real  clear there is a road somewhere that leads to them and Trump is just a stop along the way. Buy this shirt:  Ed Five standing by Eddie the head sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The midnight telling tales after dark society don’t be afraid sweater

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Our incomes were poor at The midnight telling tales after dark society don’t be  afraid  sweater. We were never able to save but had working conditions that included job security, holiday pay, sick pay, long service leave, and respect. Our careers were very stressful. Meaning we both retired earlier than originally intended. Still at around 60. In my teens and twenties, I had dozens of jobs. The vast majority of them would be automatically converted to permanent after 6 weeks The conditions I mentioned earlier were obligatory for all jobs. Buy this shirt:  The midnight telling tales after dark society don’t be  afraid  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Single Definition Smash who I want Ignore who I want neglect sweater

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Short term contracts are now the Single Definition Smash who I want Ignore who I want neglect sweater. Government workers are continually threatened with redundancy. I have gone on and on I know. This is not just an American problem. It is not as bad in Australia but everything American soon spreads throughout the rest of the world. And is called progress. I am glad I am out of the workforce and not at the beginning of my working life. Good on ya Bernie. The world needs people like you to lead the way. Don’t fall for this you are being used! This is exactly the platform Hitler started with you need to wake up research and learn to listen to people who went through it and explained how it happened. Buy this shirt:  Single Definition Smash who I want Ignore who I want neglect sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Spider-Man mask Stay away always tired sweater

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When will Benjamin Netanyahu be the Spider-Man mask Stay away always tired  sweater.  And tried for his many crimes against humanity? And it appears Trump and Bolton handed over the working key of our armed forces to the unsovereign foreign national government of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu a global fugitive of justice for many charges of crimes against humanity that for some reason Republicans and Democrats are harboring this fugitive- Fatal breach of US national sovereignty when Trump allowed Netanyahu with great disdain for. Buy this shirt:  Spider-Man mask Stay away always tired sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Patriots AFC championship sweater

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This is not the path to the Patriots AFC championship sweater. We have turned back time to the 19c industrial revolution. The CEO”s  then  as now are back to abusing workers and indenturing them in jobs that are physically demanding with flat nonliving wages. I am reminded of a mid 50’s song sung by Ernie Ford called15 Tons. Look it up on  You Tube . It speaks to the life of an abusive coal mining work culture, low wages, and indentured work conditions. We have gone backward. Trickle down was a lie to those working hard and not seeing themselves moving ahead. Keep exposing this. Buy this shirt:  Patriots AFC championship sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Patrick Mahomes Mahomie sweater

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Walmart didn’t hijack small businesses. Small businesses didn’t give the Patrick Mahomes Mahomie sweater. Jay Smith, I do not agree. Witnessed what happened first hand. I have been in retail management for years. Homogenized buying isn’t always a good thing. Needs of a regional community get neglected. Small towns were targeted to drive out the established competition. Then, after time, Walmart left and small communities had nowhere to shop. Jobs were gone. What did Walmart do to push out the small businesses? Buy this shirt:  Patrick Mahomes Mahomie sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Palm angels die punk sweater

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Meantime, there was no one to serve these Palm angels die punk sweater. Bigger is not always better in retail. The looser ended up being the consumer. Other retailers have found mega expansion not always a good decision. Buying and advertising models need to be tailored to climate and lifestyles of regions. Often, the local merchant can better react to local needs. Just saying the mass expansion is not always good for a company or the consumer. Bernie Sanders one of the few politicians who actually still work for the people. But even the corporate media will not give him a voice. Buy this shirt:  Palm angels die punk sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

NFC championship Los Angeles Rams sweater

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We need to see what can be done about putting an NFC championship Los Angeles Rams sweater. When the minimum wage does go up, the prices of everything else should not also go up in return to make up for lost profits. Rent should not be so high that we need multiple roommates in order to keep a decent roof over our head, and the cost of buying a house or a car, or going to college, should not put the average Joe into debt for a huge chunk of their lives. Our parents didn’t have it this bad. Buy this shirt:  NFC championship Los Angeles Rams sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Texans sweater

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It is a Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Texans sweater. It won’t change sadly. Workers have had any power they once had whittled away. Now businesses here in Australia are complaining that people aren’t spending enough money. They and the federal government are worried about the wage stagnation that they caused. Yet western governments still want taxes reduced for big business. As if that and high immigration rates will solve all economic problems. Inequality is a social disease. It has been caused by those who hold the reins. Buy this shirt:  Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Texans sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/